Further uplift of specification for GP IT Futures. Contains general improvements from additional internal review. Also incorporated feedback changes provided by pilot sites.
The 0.7.1 release contains a reordering of the Summary page content, plus some general specification uplifts and improvements.
Please see below for further details.
0.7.1 changes
ARHTML Medications - Minor alterations to wording
Tickets: #622
Affects: Access Record HTML
- a number of minor uplifts following review
Pages changed:
- Medications
- see git issue for wording changes
Specify layout for Summary view in accordance with implementation guide for other views
Tickets: #623
Affects: Access Record HTML
- the Implementation Guide gives detailed instructions for the layout of the views where they are single or multiple table views, but this excludes the Summary view and cross references the HTML definition for the Summary view
Pages changed:
- Layout
- updated Summary page note to include the inclusion of subsection content banners, where applicable
Provide additional guidance for display of numbers with decimal places
Tickets: #555
Affects: Access Record HTML
Guidance has been provided for the display of numeric values to decimal places for medication items and included in the observations specification for the numeric values for such test and measurement results.
This states “Do not put a trailing zero after a sub-decimal value (that is, ‘0.5’ is correct but ‘0.50’ is incorrect)”.
Pages changed:
- Observations
- note added to ensure all number formatting is applied as per the data formatting applied by the providing system
- Standards
- note added to ensure all number formatting is applied as per the data formatting applied by the providing system
Rules for provider return when default date range is not all items
Tickets: #550
Affects: Access Record HTML
The specification supports application of a default date range, but the specification does not include the business rules for applying a default date range other than where the default is ALL items.
The specification should include rules and date banner message definitions for an applied default date range.
Pages changed:
- Layout
- more detailed information has been supplied for providers and consumers for applying a default time frame
- per section default time frames table has been extended to include subsections
Uplift specification to include guidance on Controlled Drugs
Tickets: #99
Affects: Access Record HTML
Controlled drugs need to be flagged as such at the line item level as this is clinically relevant supporting information.
The specification should include rules and date banner message definitions for an applied default date range.
Pages changed:
- Medications
- Additional Information column descriptions updated to include requirements to display the label CONTROLLED DRUG in bold, where applicable
Revise Medication headings
Tickets: #628
Affects: Access Record HTML
- Change the following headings (and reference to the headings)
- Recent Acute Medication > Acute Medication (Last 12 Months) applies to Summary and Medications view
- All Medication (Summary) > All Medication applies to Medications view only
Pages changed:
Separate Major Inactive Problems and Issues into a separate subsection
Tickets: #629
Affects: Access Record HTML
The clinical importance of significant past problems has been raised. This information is sufficiently important to be included in the Summary view. The problems and issues view therefore requires uplifting to separate the content of the inactive problems and issues into two subsections
- Major Inactive Problems and Issues
- Other Inactive Problems and Issues
Supporting definition of major to be included along with definitions for handling no significance for individual records or provider systems not supporting significance levels which meaningfully translate to Major / Minor
Pages changed:
- Problems and Issues
- added section Major Inactive Problems and Issues
- added section Other Inactive Problems and Issues
- Standards
- updated IDs for the two new tables
Add Major Inactive Problems and Issues to the Summary view
Tickets: #630
Affects: Access Record HTML
The clinical importance of significant past problems has been raised. This information is sufficiently important to be included in the Summary view.
Pages changed:
- Summary
- added section Major Inactive Problems and Issues
Add a column for Range in the Observations view
Tickets: #627
Affects: Access Record HTML
Range is specified as an optional content in the Value column. It is not defined in the heading and the specification does not give a format for how to return range.
Pages changed:
- Observations
- range column added to Observations table
Minor changes to wording
Tickets: #631
Affects: Access Record HTML
Small changes to correct typos or make small non-consequential changes to improve the text. A collection of changes from reviewing the draft copy.
Pages changed:
- Clinical scenarios
- Design decisions
- Known issues
- Layout
- Summary
- Problems and issues
- Medications
- Referrals
Realign requirements for date handling in html implementation guidance
Tickets: #632
Affects: Access Record HTML
The HTML implementation guidance layout page covers the requirements for date filtering and standards for date banners. The content has been added to and is set within the requirements for the layout and descriptions of standard banners. The date filtering is not specifically about the layout. The flow of the details about the layout and standard banners may be improved by moving the date filtering details outside of the banners section. The clarity of the rules regarding date filters and default dates may be clearer if presented together in its own section with banner content covered separately.
Pages changed:
- Layout
- Date filter content moved out of date banner section