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Explore and Make use of Nationally Defined Messaging APIs


System demonstrator

Demonstrator implementation of the GP Connect FHIR API

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Take the Ripple open source record viewer and use it to demonstrate the GP Connect APIs to validate and accelerate delivery of the GP Connect APIs. The demonstrator acts as a mock Consuming application to show how the data made available by the APIs could be used.

Current status

We now have a functioning user interface that can drive interactions with the FHIR-based APIs to implement the following capabilities:

  • Access Record HTML
  • Appointment Management

System architecture

API Consumer talking to API Provider via the Spine Security Proxy

Source code

The GP Connect demonstrator is an open source software project using the HAPI open-source FHIR library.

  • download the source code from the Demonstrator GitHub project repo

  • the project contains step by step instructions to set up a working instance on your own machine

Example screens

GP Connect Demonstrator Patient Summary


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