High-level design principles related to the FHIR data modelling aspects of the system
Important: GP Connect has adopted the FHIR® standard (DSTU2) and as such the standard FHIR resources are to be used unless a clear rationale exists to amend. When an amendment is required this decision will be logged and the rationale clearly communicated.
GP Connect Data Models
- data model assets to be held on GitHub
- data models to be licensed under the Apache 2 license
- code repositories will use the GitFlow branching model
- a data library Git repository will hold shared/common resources
- FHIR resources will carry the major version in the name (for example, gpconnect-patient-1) and major/minor version within StructureDefinition/Conformance
- profiling tools (for example, Furore Forge) will be used to create FHIR StructureDefinitions and ValueSets
It is common for the base FHIR® standard to require further adaptation to a particular context of use.
Profiling is a general term that describes the process of adapting the base standard for use in a specific context. Typically, the profiling process both restricts and extends APIs, resources and terminologies.