A full internal review following early FoT feedback has been carried out on the 0.5.0 specification. The resulting 0.7.0 specification has been rewritten to ensure any potential clinical safety issues have been addressed, and missing information has been supplied. It has also been aligned more generally with specification releases across the other GP Connect capabilities.
The 0.7.0 release contains a major change against the Medications view, a reordering of the Summary page content, the introduction of CSS IDs and classes, plus some general specification uplifts and improvements.
Please see below for further details.
0.7.0 changes
S-Flag patients to return Patient Not Found in ARHTML
Tickets: #528
Affects: Access Record HTML
- version 0.5.0 of ARHTML HTML implementation standards states that demographic details are to be redacted for patients which are S-flagged on Spine e.g. ‘May be redacted if patient is flagged on Spine as Sensitive demographics.’ This has been queried and subsequently changed in other capabilities for providers not to return patient records for S-flagged patients but to return a ‘Patient Not Found’ error.
Pages changed:
- Standards
- a requirement for a ‘patient not found’ error message to be returned has been added
Default date range if only a start or end date parameter passed in getCareRecord
Tickets: #114
Affects: Access Record HTML
- the scenario where only a start or an end date need to be considered and the GP Connect program needs to update the specification to cater for the possibility of someone only sending a start date or an end date
Pages changed:
- Layout
- date banner section uplifted to add requirements on expected date range behaviours
Default Date Range Banner Message Wording
Tickets: #162
Affects: Access Record HTML
- change default date range range banner message wording
Pages changed:
- Layout
- requirements added to fully describe the expected date banner wording
Clarify acceptable usage of sub-section banners and uplift the specification
Tickets: #184
Affects: Access Record HTML
- the layout of sections and subsections has been standardised to avoid supplier variance
Pages changed:
- Layout
- requirements added to fully describe the expected layout of single and multiple section HTML views
Ensure all HTML Views have a runnable CodePen and a rendered raw HTML version with realistic data
Tickets: #205
Affects: Access Record HTML
- CodePens have been used to provide examples of what the HTML might look like. They have been provided as an aid for developers.
Pages changed:
- Encounters
- Clinical items
- Problems and issues
- Allergies and adverse reactions
- Medications
- Referrals
- Observations
- Immunisations
- Administrative items
CodePens have been added to each of these pages.
Medications Prescribed Elsewhere
Tickets: #523
Affects: Access Record HTML
- the inclusion of a Medications Prescribed Elsewhere (MPE) was considered to be out of scope for HTML View 0.5.x specification releases. Further investigation and clinical engagement has indicated that there is a significant need for this information in the HTML View.
Pages changed:
- Medications
- requirement added to include medications prescribed elsewhere in the Medications HTML view
Medication Issues
Tickets: #524
Affects: Access Record HTML
there is a usability issue within the “Current Medication Issues” section. Specifically the handling of multiple entries for repeat medications (every issue is itemised)
there is also the issue of the repeat medication entries and acute medication entries being bundled together, which makes it difficult for a clinician to review
feedback from FoT has highlighted that large amounts of data in the Current Medication Issues subsection of the Summary section reduces its effectiveness as a quick overview and risks subsequent subsections being overlooked
Pages changed:
- Medications
- the Medications page has been completed transformed in 0.7.0. following clinical review/sign-off
- Current Medication Issues has been replaced by Recent Acute Medications
- The following list of subsections now comprises the Medication view:
- Recent Acute Medication
- Current Repeat Medication
- Discontinued Repeat Medication
- All Medication (Summary)
- All Medication Issues
Reason for discontinued and cancelled medication
Tickets: #531
Affects: Access Record HTML
- it is extremely important for the details regarding the ending of a medication to be available to a clinician, as this will highlight any clinical issues (e.g. stopping a medication due to an allergy etc.) and allow the clinician to make an efficient and informed clinical decision. Specification 0.5.x only requires a cancelled/discontinued and date to be included in the Details column. The reason is not specified as required. “Where the medication was cancelled (Acute) or Discontinued (Repeat), this should be included in the Details column as Cancelled followed by Date of Cancellation or Discontinued, followed by Date when discontinued.
Pages changed:
- Medications
- the Medications page has been completed transformed in 0.7.0. following clinical review/sign-off
- requirements for discontinued an cancelled reason have been added, where applicable
Current is not explicitly defined for medication subsection content
Tickets: #532
Affects: Access Record HTML
it is imperative that the application of rules for the placement and transition of individual medication item entries within the 3 sub sections is clearly understood and any mitigating text is appropriately provided.
currently this is not the case, therefore a clinician will get differing views depending on the supplier providing the data (and potentially the specific GP Practice where a local configuration setting can determine the age for ‘current’) and there is no text explaining the differences.
Pages changed:
- Medications
- the Medications page has been completed transformed in 0.7.0. following clinical review/sign-off
- each subsection now contains greater detail as to what is being displayed
Separate the dosage information from the medications details columns
Tickets: #533
Affects: Access Record HTML
- clinician feedback has highlighted that it would be useful to have a separate dosage column across all of the medications sub sections. The information is currently available within the text about the medication item, making this a usability issue. The availability of a separate dosage column makes it easier or a clinician to ‘compute’ and make clinical assessments and decisions.
Pages changed:
- Medications
- separate
Dosage Instruction
columns have been provided following clinical feedback/sign-off
- separate
Add a definition for the application of decimal places for numeric value
Tickets: #534
Affects: Access Record HTML
- First of Type feedback has noted that some values are presented to a number of decimal places which could misrepresent the accuracy of recording or make it less user friendly to read the values, for example, in the Observations section
Pages changed:
- Standards
- section added to the Implementation Standards page to add CUI reference to Medication Representation documentation
Summary page - reordering of sections
Tickets: #542
Affects: Access Record HTML
- First of Type feedback has noted that the first 3 encounters should be the first subsection on the Summary page
Pages changed:
- Summary
- New layout of Summary page based on FoT feedback and Medications updates:
- Last 3 Encounters
- Active Problems and Issues
- Current Allergies and Adverse Reactions
- Recent Acute Medication
- Current Repeat Medication
- New layout of Summary page based on FoT feedback and Medications updates:
Add section for CSS styling
Tickets: #546
Affects: Access Record HTML
- for an improved consumer experience, details regarding HTML IDs and classes need to be added to the Implementation Standards page
Pages changed:
- Standards
- section added to the Implementation Standards page to add CSS IDs and classes
Remove Provider Variance in 0.7.0
Tickets: #609
Affects: Access Record HTML
- 0.5.1 introduced a Provider Variance page. This has been removed from 0.7.0 as the requirements have been firmed up regarding the differences between provider supplier systems
Pages changed:
- Provider variance page added removed
Standards and Layout requirements
Tickets: #610
Affects: Access Record HTML
the requirements listed in 0.5.1 were downgraded from MUST to SHOULD to avoid the provider suppliers having to make any code changes
0.7.0 has introduced firm MUST requirements to minimise provider variance
Pages changed:
- Standards
- SHOULDs replaced with MUSTs, where applicable
- Layout
- SHOULDs replaced with MUSTs, where applicable