Cross Organisation Audit & Provenance
Provider systems SHALL ensure that access to confidential data, including patient or clinical data, through the API must meet, as a minimum, the same requirements for information governance, authentication and authorisation, and auditing as that of the host system the API exposes.
Audit Trail
For implementers that don’t have access to the GP SoC Framework / ‘IG Requirements for GP Systems V4’ requirements then the following extract of requirements covers the main audit trail requirements:
Provider systems SHALL record in an audit trail all access and data changes within the system as a result of API activity in the same way that internal access and changes are required to be recorded.
Provider systems SHALL ensure that all API transactions are recorded in an audit trail, and that audit trails must be subject to the standard IG audit requirements as defined in “IG Requirements for GP Systems V4” or as subsequently amended.
Provider systems SHALL ensure failed or rejected API transactions are recorded with the same detail as for successful API requests, with error codes as per the error handling guidance.
Audit Trail records shall include the following minimum information:
- a record of the user identity. This is the User ID, Name, Role profile (including Role and Organisation, URP id when Smartcard authenticated) attribute values, obtained from the user’s Session structure;
- a record of the identify of the authority – the person authorising the entry of, or access to data (if different from the user);
- the date and time on which the event occurred;
- details of the nature of the audited event and the identity of the associated data (e.g. patient ID, message ID) of the audited event;
- a sequence number to protect against malicious attempts to subvert the audit trail by, for example, altering the system date.
- Audit trail records should include details of the end-user device (or system) involved in the recorded activity.
Audit Trails shall be enabled at all times and there shall be no means for users, or any other individuals, to disable any Audit Trail.
Provider systems SHALL ensure that all additions, amendments or logical deletions to administrative and clinical data made via an API is clearly identified with information regarding the provenance of the data (e.g. timestamp, details of Consumer system, details of user (including role), so it is clear which information has been generated through an API rather than through the Provider system itself.
Provider systems SHALL record the following provenance details of all API personal and sensitive personal data recorded within the system:
- Author details (identified through unique ID), including name and role
- Data entered by (if different from author)
- Date & time (to the second) entered
- Originating organisation
- API interaction
Legal Processing
Provider systems SHALL ensure that data provided to Consumer systems only include data for which the GP practice acts as Data Controller.
Patient Dissent
Provider systems SHALL ensure that Patient Consent is respected (i.e. where express dissent is recorded then data is not shared).
Cross Organisation Audit & Provenance Transport
Bearer Token
Consumer systems SHALL provide audit and provenance details in the HTTP authorization header as an oAuth Bearer Token (as outlined in RFC 6749) in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT) as defined in RFC 7519.
An example such an HTTP header is given below:
Authorization: Bearer jwt_token_string
Provider systems SHALL respond to oAuth Bearer Token errors inline with RFC 6750 - section 3.1.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
Consumer system SHALL generate a new JWT for each API request.
Claim | Priority | Description | Fixed Value | Dynamic Value |
iss | R | Requesting systems issuer URI | No | Yes |
sub | R | ID for the user on whose behalf this request is being made. Matches |
No | Yes |
aud | R | Authorization server’s token_URL | |
No |
exp | R | Expiration time integer after which this authorization MUST be considered invalid. | exp |
(now + 5 minutes) UTC time in seconds |
iat | R | The UTC time the JWT was created by the requesting system | iat |
now UTC time in seconds |
reason_for_request | R | Purpose for which access is being requested | directcare |
No |
requested_record | R | The FHIR patient resource being requested (i.e. NHS Number identifier details) | No | FHIR Patient1 OR FHIR Organization2 |
requested_scope | R | Data being requested2 | patient/*.[read|write] OR organization/*.[read|write] |
No |
requesting_device | R | FHIR device resource making the request | No | FHIR Device1 |
requesting_organization | R | FHIR organisation resource making the request | No | FHIR Organization1+4 |
requesting_practitioner | R | FHIR practitioner resource making the request | No | FHIR Practitioner1+3 |
1 Minimal FHIR resource to include any relevant business identifier(s).
2 Patient scope for patient centric APIs (i.e. Get Care Record and Patient’s Appointments, Patient Task) or scope for organisation centric APIs (i.e. Get Organization Schedule)
3 To contain the practitioners local system identifier(s) (i.e. login details / username). Where the user has both a local system ‘role’ as well as a nationally-recognised role, then the latter SHALL be provided. Default usernames (e.g. referring to systems or groups) SHALL NOT be used in this field.
4 The requesting organisation resource SHALL refer to the care organisation from where the request originates rather than any other organisation which may host hardware or software, route requests to Spine, and/or hold the endpoint registration.
JWT Generation
Consumer systems SHALL generate the JSON Web Token (JWT) consisting of three parts seperated by dots (.), which are:
- Header
- Payload
- Signature
Consumer systems SHALL generate an Unsecured JSON Web Token (JWT) using the “none” algorithm parameter in the header to indicate that no digital signature or MAC has been performed (please refer to section 3.6 of RFC 7513 for details).
"alg": "none",
"typ": "JWT"
Consumer systems SHALL generate an empty signature.
The final output is three Base64 strings separated by dots.
For example:
JWT Payload Example
"iss": "https://[ConsumerSystemURL]",
"sub": "[PractitionerID]",
"aud": "",
"exp": 1469436987,
"iat": 1469436687,
"reason_for_request": "directcare",
"requested_record": {
"resourceType": "Patient",
"identifier": [{
"system": "",
"value": "[NHSNumber]"
"requesting_device": {
"resourceType": "Device",
"id": "[DeviceID]",
"identifier": [{
"system": "[DeviceSystem]",
"value": "[DeviceID]"
"model": "[SoftwareName]",
"version": "[SoftwareVersion]"
"requesting_organization": {
"resourceType": "Organization",
"id": "[OrganizationID]",
"identifier": [{
"system": "",
"value": "[ODSCode]"
"name": "Requesting Organisation Name"
"requesting_practitioner": {
"resourceType": "Practitioner",
"id": "[PractitionerID]",
"identifier": [{
"system": "",
"value": "[SDSUserID]"
"system": "[UserSystem]",
"value": "[UserID]"
"name": {
"family": ["[Family]"],
"given": ["[Given]"],
"prefix": ["[Prefix]"]
"practitionerRole": [{
"role": {
"coding": [{
"system": "",
"code": "[SDSJobRoleName]"
Where the Practitioner has both a local system role as well as a Spine RBAC role, then the Spine RBAC role SHALL be supplied
Example Code
External Documents / Policy Documents
Name | Author | Version | Updated |
GPSoC IG Requirements for GP Systems | NHS Digital | v4.0 | 19/09/2014 |
GP Systems Interface Mechanism Requirements V 1 | NHS Digital | v0.10 |