First of Type (FoT) Principles
The detailed requirements supporting these will be available as part of the Provider, Consumer Development and Assurance documentation to be published during November/December 2016.
Review and agreement as to the IG model for additional and beyond FoT clinical settings is underway and taking into account other strategic projects and work in this arena. Changes may arise to these principles and detailed supporting requirements as a result.
Provider systems must be compliant with NHS Codes of Practice and Legal Obligations, and their existing NHS contractual IG requirements; eg the foundational requirements for the GP Principal System are covered by the GPSoC IG v 4 schedule as well as the other Common Authority Requirements; requirements additional to these will be documented and included in GP Connect Development, Assurance and Deployment activities and documentation
The GP Connect APIs are for use in Direct Patient Care settings only.
Responsibility to ensure that Consuming organisation use of the GP Connect APIs is compliant with NHS Codes of Practice & Legal Obligations in their use of healthcare records and information, resides with the Commissioning Organisation (not NHS Digital).
FoT Early Adopter deployments will represent organisation groupings where the necessary data sharing agreements between data controllers, augmented by Data Controller-Data Processor contracts, IG process and policy and fair usage notifications are already in place eg existing federation or shared record groups
Organisational Data-sharing validation will be implemented by the Spine Security Proxy (SSP) and therefore Provider GP Connect go-live must not be dependent on local organisational data-sharing configuration to support this; local organisational data-sharing rules SHALL NOT be applied as part of GP Connect operation and SHALL NOT be changed as a result of GP Connect
- FoT Early Adopter Consuming Organisations are N3, IGSoC and IG Toolkit compliant, and meet national requirements for:
- Technical (Endpoint) Security
- User Authentication
- User Authorisation
Consuming Organisations must deploy Permission to View processes based on the Summary Care Record (SCR) guidelines; in scenarios where the patient is not present, for example a referral to an outpatient clinic where it would be reasonable to review the GP record prior to the appointment, access to the record can be made based on a Legitimate Relationship with the patient, subject to Data-Sharing agreement and Provider System Patient Consent.
Functionality to support the application of an exclusion set must be provided; the current RCGP Sensitive Dataset for specific conditions e.g. sexual health, HIV etc. will be applied (ie excluded) for FoT, with expected changes arising from the current national review and expected in February 2017 to be reflected
Any data marked as private/sealed/locked/practice-designated confidential within the GP Patient record must not be shared outside the practice; override/break seal capabilities will not be developed within the APIs for FoT
The HTML view will provide appropriate indication of withheld data
Audit requirements as defined in existing contractual frameworks as well as the NHS Digital Assurance Target Operating Model must be met by Provider and Consumer systems.
- Demographic Cross Checking: Consumer systems must compare the returned structured patient demographic data (supplied by the provider system as structured data) against the demographic data held in the consumer system. If differences exist then the consumer system must show an alert/warning and provide details of which fields/values are different between the two systems.