Spine Directory Service (SDS)
GP Connect Consumer systems are expected to resolve the FHIR endpoint for a given GP Provider organisation using Spine Directory Service (SDS) LDAP directory lookups. SDS is the main information source about NHS registered users and accredited systems and services.
Information is provided below to clarify how this endpoint lookup functions
Consuming system viewpoint
From the perspective of a consuming system, an overview of the endpoint lookup process is given followed by a worked end-to-end example of a GPConnect request to retrieve the HTML View of a patient record.
Provider system viewpoint
Guidance on how a provider system should set up endpoints in Spine Directory Services.
Consuming System Viewpoint
The consuming system will interact with SDS in order to resolve the FHIR Endpoint Server Root URL to be used when constructing the request to be made to the Spine Security Proxy.
This is a two step process, as follows:
- Lookup the Accredited System ID (ASID)
- Lookup the Message Handling System (MHS)
Once the MHS record has been retrieved the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and full endpoint of the FHIR server can be retrieved from returned attributes of the MHS record.
GPConnect Consuming systems SHOULD cache SDS query results giving details of consuming system, endpoints and endpoint capability on a per session basis.
Consuming systems SHALL NOT cache and re-use consuming system, endpoint information derived from SDS across multiple patient encounters or practitioner usage sessions. Each new patient encounter will result in new lookups to ascertain the most up-to-date consuming system, endpoint and endpoint capability.
Step 1: Accredited System ID (ASID) Lookup
Using an organisation ODS code, clients SHALL lookup the Accredited System ID (ASID) as follows:
- Accredited System type
- objectClass =
- objectClass =
- Organisational code
- nhsIDCode = [odsCode] of the GP organisation.
- Interaction ID
- nhsAsSvcIA = [interactionId] of the GP Connect API operation required.
ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldap.vn03.national.ncrs.nhs.uk –b "ou=services, o=nhs"
"(&(nhsIDCode=[odsCode]) (objectClass=nhsAS)(nhsAsSvcIA=[interactionId]))"
uniqueIdentifier nhsMhsPartyKey
The ASID will be returned in the uniqueIdentifier attribute which is returned from the ldaps query above.
Note that ldaps is used to establish a TLS session rather than the StartTLS option. Also note that once the TLS session is established, SASL authentication is not used by SDS and is therefore disabled through the -x option.
Please refer to FHIR operation guidance for details of the GPConnect interactionId appropriate for your use case.
Step 2: Message Handling System (MHS) Lookup
Clients SHALL lookup the FHIR endpoint from the MHS record using the Party Key retrieved in step 1, as follows:
- Message Handling System type
- objectClass =
- objectClass =
- MHS Party Key
- nhsMHSPartyKey = [partyKey] as retrieved from the nhsMhsPartyKey attribute in step 1
- MHS Interaction ID
- nhsMhsSvcIA = [interactionId] of the GP Connect API operation required(?)
ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldap.vn03.national.ncrs.nhs.uk -b "ou=services, o=nhs"
"(&(nhsMhsPartyKey=[partyKey]) (objectClass=nhsMhs) (nhsMhsSvcIA=[interactionId]))"
The FHIR endpoint URL of the message handling system can then be extracted from the nhsMhsEndPoint
attribute of the MHS record. The attribute nhsMhsFQDN could also be retrieved in the above query to retrieve the FQDN of the endpoint, though this can be extracted from the nhsMhsEndPoint.
ldapsearch configuration
SDS requires TLS Mutual Authentication. It is therefore necessary to configure ldapsearch in the examples above with the certificates necessary to verify the authenticity of the SDS LDAP server, and also to enable SDS to verify the spine endpoint making the LDAP request:
- Root and SubCA spine development certificates available from Assurance Support
- Obtain a client certificate by submitting a certificate signing request for your development endpoint to Assurance Support
Server certificate setup
For the examples above, ldapsearch should be configured to find the RootCA and SubCA certificates using the TLS_CACERT option in the ldap.conf file. This should point to a file, in PEM format, which contains both root and subca certificates ensuring that the root certificate is placed after the subCA certificae. The LDAPCONF environment vairable can be used to define the location of the ldap.conf
Client certificate setup
The client certificate and encrypted private key should be defined in the .ldaprc file using the following directives.
TLS_CERT C:\mydir\cert.pem
TLS_KEY C:\mydir\key.pem
The location of the .ldaprc file can be defined using the LDAPRC environment variable.
Please contact Assurance Support service desk for certificates and details of the ldap server for your environment.
Worked example of the endpoint lookup process
Given A consuming system which needs to get the HTML View of a patient record at the patient’s registered practice. The consuming system has the following information about the patient:
- NHS Number
- A set of demographic details about the patient
When The consuming system interacts with GP Connect
Then The following steps MUST be followed:
Step 0. PDS Trace (pre-requisite step)
The Consuming system is responsible for performing a PDS Trace to both verify the identity of the patient and retrieve the ODS code of the patient’s registered primary care practice.
For this example, NHS Number 9000000084 with demographic details Mr Anthony Tester, 19 Ficticious Avenue, Testtown returns the ODS code T99999
Step 1. Accredited System Lookup on SDS
The ASID and Party Key is now looked up on SDS. The example below uses ldapsearch:
ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldap.vn03.national.ncrs.nhs.uk –b "ou=services, o=nhs"
"(&(nhsIDCode=T99999) (objectClass=nhsAS)(nhsAsSvcIA=urn:nhs:names:services:gpconnect:fhir:operation:gpc.getcarerecord))"
uniqueIdentifier nhsMhsPartyKey
This query should return a single matching accredited system object from SDS, the ASID being found in the uniqueIdentifier attribute. In the case, ldapsearch returns the following results:
999999999999, Services, nhs
dn: uniqueIdentifier=9999999999,ou=Services,o=nhs
uniqueIdentifier: 999999999999
nhsMhsPartyKey: T99999-9999999
# search result
search: 1
result: 0 Success
Step 2: MHS lookup on SDS to determine FHIR endpoint Server Root URL
Using the Party Key retrieved from Step 1, and the same interaction ID, the following ldapsearch query is executed:
ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://ldap.vn03.national.ncrs.nhs.uk -b "ou=services, o=nhs"
"(&(nhsMhsPartyKey=T99999-9999999) (objectClass=nhsMhs) (nhsMhsSvcIA=urn:nhs:names:services:gpconnect:fhir:operation:gpc.getcarerecord))"
nhsMhsEndPoint nhsMHSFQDN
This query should again return a single endpoint. In this case, the ldapquery returns the following results:
# 472b35d4641b76454b13, Services, nhs
dn: uniqueIdentifier=472b35d4641b76454b13,ou=Services,o=nhs
nhsMhsEndPoint: https://pcs.thirdparty.nhs.uk/T99999/DSTU2/1
nhsMHSFQDN: pcs.thirdparty.nhs.uk
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
Step 3: Consumer constructs full GP Connect request URL to be sent to the Spine Security Proxy
The format of the full URL which the consuming sytem is responsible for constructing is as follows:
https://[URL of Spine Security Proxy]/[Provider Server Root URL]/[FHIR request]
The value returned in the nhsMhsEndPoint attribute in Step 2 should be treated as the FHIR Server Root URL at the provider system.
In this example, to issue a GetCareRecord request, the following request would be made:
POST https://testspineproxy.nhs.domain.uk/https://pcs.thirdparty.nhs.uk/T99999/DSTU2/1/Patient/$gpc.getcarerecord
Provider System Viewpoint
The provider system is responsible for populating SDS with the necessary information to enable reliable endpoint lookup by consuming systems.
In order to ensure that endpoint lookup is reliable, the following guidelines must be followed for First of Type implementations:
1. Format of Server Root URL
The Server Root URL for a given ASID SHALL be defined in the nhsMhsEndPoint attribute of the MHS record (i.e. the ldap object of type nhsMhs). This URL SHALL be in the format described in the API Versioning guidance.
2. For First of Type interactions, CMA type endpoints only will be used
A CMA type endpoint refers to an endpoint which is a combined MHS sytem and Accredited System endpoint. There will be a 1-1 mapping between an Accredited System (uniquely identified by an ASID) and a Message Handling System (MSH). A single MHS record SHALL be associated with a given ASID and interaction ID.
3. nhsMhsEndPoint attribute SHALL contain the FHIR Server Root URL only
The nhsMHsEndPoint attribute SHALL contain the FHIR Server Root URL. It is the responsibility of the consuming system to construct the FHIR operation or RESTful resource request which will be postfixed to this base URL.
I.e. an example of a FHIR server root URL for a GetCareRecord interaction at practice GP0001 would be
Note that the “Patient/$gpc.getcarerecord” is not added.
In line with this, provider systems SHOULD perform checks that the FHIR request received is a reasonable means to request the resource in view given the specificed interaction.
4. Practice routing identifier to be included in FHIR Server Root URL
As described in the API Versioning guidance, a routing identifier SHALL be placed in the FHIR Servder Root URL. This routing identifier may be the ODS code of the practice, or another logical identifier which acheives reliable routing of the request to the patient’s registered practice data store. It is expected that the FHIR server business logic will extract the routing identifier.
In line with this, HTTP headers SHALL NOT be used to provide this organisation routing.
5. Practice specific ODS codes to be used
ODS codes which refer to Principle Clinical Systems as a single entity SHALL NOT be used to provide routing. Practice specific ODS codes SHALL be used for routing purposes in the FHIR Server Root URL found in the NhsMhsEndPoint attribute of the MHS record.
6. The FHIR Server Root URL SHALL contain the FHIR version name
The FHIR Server Root URL defined in the nhsMhsEndPoint attribute SHALL contain the FHIR version name as described in the API Versioning guidance. This will enable versioning of provider API by FHIR version.
In line with this, provider systems SHALL NOT version through the use of HTTP headers.
7. FHIR version SHALL match version found in FHIR conformance statement
The FHIR version as returned in a conformance statement from the FHIR server which services the FHIR request SHALL match the FHIR version given in the FHIR Server Root URL.
8. FHIR Server Root URLs associated with a given product set SHALL use same FHIR Version
Where a provider moves in future to later version of FHIR, it will be necessary to define a new product set to accommodate the set of interactions provided by this. FHIR Server Root URLs defined for a specific product set SHALL all reference the same FHIR version. This ensures that FHIR resources references returned in FHIR responses are locally resolvable.
For example, all interactions associated with the Appointment Management capability in a given product set must refer to the same FHIR server, so that the resource references for “Read Appointment” and “Amend” appointment would be locally resolvable to the same resource on the same FHIR Server.
9. Acceptable use of ASID information in HTTP Headers
Source and destination ASID information is passed to the provider system from the Spine Security Proxy. Providers SHALL use this information for audit and debugging purposes only, and SHALL NOT use these headers to perform routing or lookups.
It is the responsibility of the Spine Security Proxy SSP to perform lookups to determine consumer accreditation status. Routing shall be carried out as described above through practice specific ODS codes present in the FHIR Server Root URL.