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    Error Handling Guidance

    Details of the common error handling pattern(s) across all GP Connect FHIR APIs.

    Operation Outcome Usage

    The FHIR standard allows for an OperationOutcome to be returned for any/all errors both for Operations and for RESTful CRUD API calls.

    • Operation APIs SHALL return an OperationOutcome in the event of an error.
    • RESTful APIs SHALL return an OperationOutcome when a specific error code has for a certain situation (i.e. no patient consent to share).
    • RESTful APIs SHALL return an OperationOutcome when any other unexpected error occurs containing debug details in the Diagnostics field.

    Identity Validation Errors

    Provider systems SHALL respond by returning one of the following OperationOutcome error codes in the case of a custom operation error (i.e. $gpc.getcarerecord, $gpc.registerpatient).

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    400 INVALID_IDENTIFIER_SYSTEM Invalid Identifier System
    400 INVALID_IDENTIFIER_VALUE Invalid Identifier Value
    400 INVALID_PATIENT_DEMOGRAPHICS Invalid Patient Demographics (i.e. PDS Trace Failed)
    404 PATIENT_NOT_FOUND Patient Record Not Found
    400 INVALID_NHS_NUMBER NHS Number Invalid
    404 ORGANISATION_NOT_FOUND Organisation Record Not Found
    400 INVALID_ODS_CODE ODS Code Invalid
    404 PRACTITIONER_NOT_FOUND Practitioner Record Not Found

    Example 1. Invalid NHS Number Supplied

    For example if an invalid NHS Number value is supplied to the $gpc.getcarerecord Operation the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "value",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "INVALID_NHS_NUMBER"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 2. Patient Not Found

    For example a valid NHS Number value is supplied to the $gpc.getcarerecord Operation but no GP record exists for that patient then the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "not-found",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "PATIENT_NOT_FOUND"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Security Validation Errors

    Provider systems SHALL returning one of the following OperationOutcome error codes in the case of enforcing their local patient consent rules when responding to consumer API requests.

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    403 NO_PATIENT_CONSENT No Patient Consent To Share
    403 NON_AUTHORITATIVE Non Authoritative

    For example the patient has requested that their record not be shared via the $gpc.getcarerecord Operation then the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "forbidden",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "NO_PATIENT_CONSENT"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Resource Validation Errors

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    422 INVALID_RESOURCE Submitted resource is not valid.
    422 INVALID_PARAMETER Submitted parameter is not valid.
    422 REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND Referenced resource not found.

    Example 4. Invalid Reference

    For example sending/creating a new Task using the RESTful API fails as an invalid organisational reference is supplied, then the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "invalid",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Internal Server Errors

    When the error is unexpected and the server can’t be more specific on the exact nature of the problem then the following INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR SHALL be used to return debug details.

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Unexpected internal server error.

    When the FHIR server has received an request for an operation or FHIR resource which is not (yet) implemented, then the NOT_IMPLEMENTED SHOULD be used.

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    501 NOT_IMPLEMENTED FHIR resource or operation not implemented at server

    Example 5. Unexpected Exception

    For example an unexpected internal exception is thrown by either an Operation or RESTful API, then the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "exception",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Malformed Request Errors

    When the server cannot or will not process a request due to an apparent client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, too large size etc.) then the following BAD_REQUEST error SHALL be used to return debug details.

    HTTP Code Error Code Description
    400 BAD_REQUEST Submitted request is malformed / invalid.

    Example 6. Malformed Request Syntax

    For example if the request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax, then the following error details would be returned:

    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"meta": {
    		"profile": ["http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/gpconnect-operationoutcome-1"]
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "invalid",
    		"details": {
    			"coding": [{
    				"system": "http://fhir.nhs.net/ValueSet/gpconnect-error-or-warning-code-1",
    				"code": "BAD_REQUEST"
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Spine Security Proxy Errors

    When the spine security proxy cannot or will not process a request then the follwoing errors SHALL be used to return debug details.

    Example 7. Bad Request

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    400 Bad Request i.e. content of the request is invalid against the specification.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "invalid",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 8. Forbidden

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    403 Forbidden i.e. ASID/InteractionID check has failed.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "forbidden",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 9. Method Not Allowed

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    405 Method Not Allowed i.e. asked for an unsupported HTTP verb such as PATCH.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "not-supported",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 10. Unsupported Media Type

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    415 Unsupported Media Type i.e. a consumer application asked for an unsupported media type.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "not-supported",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 11. Internal Server Error

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    500 Internal Server Error i.e. an unexpected error / exception has occured.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "exception",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 12. Bad Gateway

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    502 Bad Gateway i.e. downstream server is offline.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "transient",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    Example 13. Gateway Timeout

    HTTP Code HTTP Meaning Description
    504 Gateway Timeout i.e. downstream server timed out.
    	"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
    	"issue": [{
    		"severity": "error",
    		"code": "transient",
    		"diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

    All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated