First of Type (FoT) is the term the GP Connect programme are using to define the end to end testing of all processes associated with the development, self-assessment, assurance and live deployment, for those consuming the API. The overall scope of the FoT is to test the processes in line with the GP Connect Developer EcoSystem, which has been created to assist commissioning organisations and consuming suppliers on their journey to deploying a live service.
The First of Type is limited to a select set of sites and suppliers who have demonstrated the broadest range of usage. This will provide the widest information and lessons to incorporate into general release following on from First of Type.
Suppliers who represent all applications types such as EPRs, middleware, and regional care record portals will be ideal as it will be necessary to understand how third party accreditation and assurance processes will work across all supported system types.
Suppliers and sites will need to agree to a roadmap around delivery and some light weight obligations for reporting and communication as part participating in the First of Type deployments.
FoT Timelines
FoT will commence in Nov 2016 as the Principals begin assurance activities of their HTML record access provider capability. FoT will end following successful completion of all activities needed to allow Business As Usual (BAU) implementation at scale of the phase 1 components. Regular progress updates will be provided via the GitHub site when key milestones are achieved.
FoT Approach
Those agreed as FoT candidates will be allocated into a Tranche. Each tranche will receive reducing levels of support from the GP Connect Project Team, with those in the final tranche receiving support replicating the level of resource available when the service enters BAU.
FoT Candidate Selection
It should be noted that there is a large amount of interest in taking part in the early stages of GP Connect and that this interest will far outstrip the number of places available. The number of places available will also depend on how smoothly the FoT process goes once started.
In order to be considered as part of the FoT, NHS organisations who will commission systems to consume the APIs should complete the FoT Candidate Questionnaire. Questionnaire responses will firstly be validated to ensure the application is suitable. Validation will ensure:
- Commissioning Bodies understand that taking part in the FoT means that certain processes and activities may not be streamlined and extra work is needed from organisations (and suppliers) to help create a scalable process.
- Commissioning Bodies are actively engaged with developers of the consuming end product and have funding available to cover any development costs if required
- Candidates are drawing upon a Provider API and an API Capability which is actively under development, and the delivery aligns with the estimated tranche start date
- A Commissioning Body has existing Data Sharing Agreements in place and understand that these may need uplifting depending on local circumstances
- That all local work for implementing the capabilities is the responsibility of the local organisations and that no extra funding to support this is available from NHS Digital.
Following initial validation, candidates will be reviewed by both NHS Digital and NHS England to determine which candidates will be provisionally allocated in to a tranche. It is anticipated 2 – 4 Commissioning Organisations will be selected per tranche. Any selections made by the Selection Group will be validated by the GP Connect Project Board. Those applicants that are not successful will be contacted as soon as possible following any decisions being made.
FoT Tranche 1 Candidates
The following candidates have been selected for Tranche 1
Commissioning Authority | Care Setting | Geographical Location |
NHS Kernow CCG | General Practice - Federated Working | North & South Kerrier |
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust | Cross Care Setting Shared Record (Leeds Care Record) | Leeds |
FoT Tranche 2 & 3 Selection
We are currently accepting applications for future tranches with the selection process expected to start in early 2017.
How to be involved
Commissioning Bodies looking to engage in FoT activities should ensure that they fully understand the capabilities being created, have sound use cases to maximise benefits arising from them and understand that taking part in the process will need active organisational involvement. Following this please email the GP Connect team at to express an interest and request the latest version of the FoT Candidate Questionnaire.
Please note that suppliers wishing to be considered must enter the process with a commissioning NHS organisation.