Summary release notes of the versions of the FHIR Dose Syntax Implementation Guidance
- Use of STU3 Dosage structure within CareConnect profiled resources
- Worked examples using the CareConnect-MedicationRequest-1 profiled resource
- Guidance (experimental) for converting a dose-based (VTM) instruction into an appropriate short list of (VMP/AMP) products
- Guidance (experimental) for creating a human readable string from the FHIR Dosage elements
The following will be added to future versions of this implementation guidance.
- Guidance for converting existing prescription content (e.g. an order sentence) within an existing prescribing system into a FHIR Dosage instruction
- Guidance for creating patient focussed dosage instructions when converting from a dose-based to product-based instruction
Version History
- updated external links to the AWS demonstrator with links to the demonstrator and associated API documentation provided by the North of England Commissioning Support Unit
- review comment clarifications
- clarification of use of UCUM units of measure versus SNOMED CT units of measure and presentation
- clarification of use of SNOMED synonyms
- clarification of use of additionalInstruction, patientInstruction, text
- rearrange examples to illustrate standar use of dose syntax, use of additionalInstruction, use of patientInstruction
- additional example of use of Medication not in dm+d (2nd Glucose 5% infusion example)
- Reorganisation of content to foreground Dose Syntax versus background Medicines context
- Examples rework to conform to CareConnect medication profiling
- Dose to Product & CareConnect Text Narrative moved to appendix pending scoping decisions
- ‘Dose to Product Translation’ section added
- ‘CareConnect Resources’ section updated
- Where a specific Trade Family (i.e brand name) is to be specified, an AMP concept must be used until a FHIR profiled resource can support a coded Trade Family concept.
- Guidance and example for use of medicationDispense.quantity added.
- ‘Dosage Structure’ section updated
- Moved the Dosage.asNeeded[x] guidance it it’s own section.
- New section for the Dosage.maxDosePer[x] structure.
- Updated the ‘additionalInstructions, patientInstructions’ section to include a note on using coded concepts that relate to specific dosing timing instructions.
- Change to use of Dosage.text and inclusion of Dosage.timing.code
- Updated the ‘Dosage doseQuantity, frequency, period’ section to include guidance on doseRange.
- ‘CareConnect Text Narrative’ section added
- Fixed bugs within some of the worked FHIR XML examples
- Additional FHIR XML examples to highlight difference between dose-based and product-based instructions.
- Some examples removed where these covered duplicate aspects of the Dosage structure.
First version published.