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Interaction | Create

Create operation describes interaction required to record a new Reasonable Adjustment Flag, an Adjustment or an Impairment on Spine via the FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API

There are 2 common patterns when working with the various Reasonable Adjustment resources within the Interactions:

  • Consent and Flag resource - single, independent resources
  • Condition resource - which entails maintaining its associated List

1 Create Resource

This pattern applies to creation of a single resource.

  • Consent, Flag, Condition and List always use this pattern for creation.
  • Create Condition triggers Create List if there is no existing List
  • Create Condition triggers Update List if there is an existing List

Create Resource request - response

Given pre-requisites:

  • authenticated, authorized RBACed Spine-User
  • validated NHSNumber

Create Resource Request

For each new resource

POST[resourceType] /HTTP1.1

Create Resource Response

201 Created http response code and Location header (and mirror POSTed payload)
(or operation outcome if failure to find or process)

2 Create Condition resources

The Condition resource is pointed to by a List.
After successful creation of the Condition resource (see the Create Consent and Flag pattern above), the Client must either:

  • create a new List instance
  • update the existing List instance

There is no specific http request here.
The pattern consists of sequenced Create Condition and Create List or Update List interactions.

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