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Operation | Determine Provenance

Provenance operation describes the server-side operations required to populate, cache and return Provenance information (Practitioner and Organisation information) for all Reasonable Adjustment Flag components on Spine via the FHIR® Reasonable Adjustments API

1 Provenance

All Reasonable Adjustment resources (Consent, Flag, Condition) are populated with Provenance details on Creation to support clinical safety and audit recording. NB: List resources do NOT record Provenance.

To illustrate, on Create of a resource e.g. a Flag resource (i.e. an Adjustment)

  • ClientSystem submits the practitioner’s URPId as part of the Create request
  • Spine looks up the URPId
    • If available, returns cached Practitioner, Organization details
    • Else, retrieves Practitioner, Organization details and caches
  • Resource’s Provenance is populated with a display representation of the Practitioner, Organization details
  • Resource is persisted
  • Create response issued to ClientSystem - usually with the created resource as body

[To be clear, on Create, a RARecord Resource will contin no Provenance information.
The provenance resource is:

  • generated,
  • populated,
  • contained,
  • cross-referenced
  • persisted
    server-side as part of the Create operation for the parent resource.
    Similarly, on Update, Provenance information regarding the updater is produced etc. as part of the Update operation.]

Fine detail of the structure and content of the contained Provenance resource is on the Profile page under RARecord-Provenance-1

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