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    NEWS2 Profiles

    NEWS2, Sub-score & Observation Profiles

    CareConnect NEWS2 Profile

    Sending the CareConnect-NEWS2-Observation-1 is mandatory for any system communicating a NEWS2 score.

    CareConnect-NEWS2-Observation-1 - The overall NEWS2 score is reported in the NEWS2 Observation profile. If available, the NEWS2 Observation profile will contain the NEWS2 Sub-scores. For further information on contained resources see here. Guidance for populating the NEWS2 Observation profile is here.

    CareConnect Sub-score Profile

    Sending the CareConnect-SubscoreObservation-1 is not mandated, but if source systems hold the sub-scores, they SHOULD be communicated.

    CareConnect-Subscore-Observation-1 - Used to hold the sub-scores of the observations that go to make up the overall NEWS2 score. For further information on contained resources see here. There will be a CareConnect-SubscoreObservation-1 per observation. The CareConnect-SubscoreObservation-1 will reference its relevant observation using the Observation.related reference. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-SubscoreObservation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    NEWS2 Observation Profiles

    Sending the NEWS2 Observations is not mandated, but if the Observations are available on the source system they SHOULD be included as part of sending a NEWS2 score.

    CareConnect-BloodPressure-Observation-1 - The systolic blood pressure used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-BloodPressure-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-BodyTemperature-Observation-1 - The body temperature reading used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-BodyTemperature-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-ACVPU-Observation-1 - The ACPUV observation used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-ACPUV-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-HeartRate-Observation-1 - The pulse rate reading used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-HeartRate-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-InspiredOxygen-Observation-1 - The inspired oxygen observation used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-InspiredOxygen-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-OxygenSaturation-Observation-1 - The oxygen saturation reading used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-OxygenSaturation-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

    CareConnect-RespiratoryRate-Observation-1 - The respiratory rate reading used to generate the NEWS2 score. Guidance for populating the CareConnect-RespiratoryRate-Observation-1 profile for NEWS2 is here.

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