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    API Hub

    Explore and Make use of Nationally Defined Messaging APIs


    Business requirements

    Clinical, user and governance requirements that must be supported by the solution

    User stories and logical data model

    The GP Connect Requirements Catalogue for Access Record Structured Data contains the full set of business requirements that need to be met to support the retrieval of medications and allergy data in a structured format:

    GP Connect Requirements Catalogue for Access Record Structured Data

    The requirements are described as a set of user stories with separate acceptance criteria for the provider and consumer systems.

    The logical data model identifies and defines the data items that are required by the business. Each logical data item is mapped to the FHIR® profile that will be used to transmit the data.

    Use cases and business processes

    The use cases define how and where there is a business need that can be supported by GP Connect structured data. They contain the following key components:

    • Description
    • Justification
    • Process flow (including data requirements)

    The level of detail varies from use case to use case.

    Clinical engagement

    To help ensure that the functionality being developed will be able to support a wide range of clinical uses, GP Connect has engaged with a range of clinicians and other stakeholders to get an understanding of how that data may be used and what is required to support its use.

    This engagement has included:

    • Hospital consultants and doctors
    • Hospital pharmacists and technicians
    • Mental health nurses
    • Mental health pharmacists and technicians
    • Mental health point of access centre
    • General practitioners
    • Community pharmacists
    • Midwives
    • Health visitors
    • Health system suppliers
    • Commissioning support units
    • Hospital trusts

    The feedback from these stakeholders has been used to develop the business use cases, user stories and the logical data model. These will form the basis of the technical specification and will be used to assure that the GP Connect API meets the needs of the business.

    All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated