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    Operation definition

    Operation definition for retrieving a patient's structured record
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <OperationDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
       <id value="GPConnect-GetStructuredRecord-Operation-1" />
          <lastUpdated value="2018-03-07T00:00:00+00:00" />
       <url value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/STU3/OperationDefinition/GPConnect-GetStructuredRecord-Operation-1" />
       <version value="1.0.0" />
       <name value="GP Connect Get Structured Record" />
       <status value="draft" />
       <kind value="operation" />
       <date value="2018-03-07" />
       <publisher value="NHS Digital" />
          <name value="Interoperability Team" />
             <system value="email" />
             <value value="interoperabilityteam@nhs.net" />
       <description value="Get a patient's clinical record in a structured coded format." />
       <code value="gpc.getstructuredrecord" />
       <resource value="Patient" />
       <system value="false" />
       <type value="true" />
       <instance value="false" />
          <name value="patientNHSnumber" />
          <use value="in" />
          <min value="1" />
          <max value="1" />
          <documentation value="The NHS Number of the patient whose record is being extracted, which must be traced or verified against the national demographics index." />
          <type value="Identifier" />
          <name value="includeAllergies" />
          <use value="in" />
          <min value="0" />
          <max value="1" />
          <documentation value="Include resources representing a patient's allergies and intolerances in the response bundle. By default, resolved allergies and intolerances are not included." />
             <name value="includeResolvedAllergies" />
             <use value="in" />
             <min value="1" />
             <max value="1" />
             <documentation value="Include resolved allergies and intolerances in the response bundle." />
             <type value="boolean" />
          <name value="includeMedication" />
          <use value="in" />
          <min value="0" />
          <max value="1" />
          <documentation value="Include resources representing a patient's medication record in the response bundle." />
             <name value="includePrescriptionIssues" />
             <use value="in" />
             <min value="1" />
             <max value="1" />
             <documentation value="Include each prescription issue in the response. By default, prescription issues are not included." />
             <type value="boolean" />
             <name value="medicationDatePeriod" />
             <use value="in" />
             <min value="0" />
             <max value="1" />
             <documentation value="Restrict the patient's medication record to a specific date period. Only date values (and not time) may be provided." />
             <type value="Period" />
          <name value="response" />
          <use value="out" />
          <min value="1" />
          <max value="1" />
          <documentation value="The patient structured coded record. This is returned as a bundle containing resources representing the record as requested by the given input parameters." />
          <type value="Bundle" />
             <reference value="https://fhir.nhs.uk/STU3/StructureDefinition/GPConnect-StructuredRecord-Bundle-1" />
    Tags: structured

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