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CareConnect Text Narrative

Use of the text narrative within CareConnect profiled resources

This section details the logic required for a system to generate a suitable, clinically safe, complete medication plus dosage string from the coded structures.

Research References

This guidance is aligned with;

Note. The Australian guidelines include the use of Tall-Man within medication names which has been excluded from this guidance.

Common Principals

The following applies to the presentation of any component part of the dosage instruction;

  • Always express units of measure using the full description, e.g. milligram not mg.
  • Important: The above principal does not apply to units of measure as part of pre-coordinated dm+d concept descriptions, e.g. Ramipril 5mg capsules.
  • Always express a time-based unit of measure in the plural when applicable, e.g. 2 hour becomes 2 hours.
  • Do not express other units of measure in the plural as this introduces complications with units such as microgram per millilitre or microgram per kilogram per hour.
  • Where multiple statements are allowed, e.g. when or event structures, then separate each statement with a comma plus whitespace. Replace the last comma separating the final two statements with the word “ and “, e.g. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Logicial Display Order

The order in which the structures within a CareConnect profiled resouce should be listed.

  1. Medication Name
  2. Medication Form (if not implied within a VMP/AMP name)
  3. Trade Family Name (if not implied within an AMP name)

Then for each dosageInstruction;

  1. method
  2. doseQuantity / doseRange
  3. rateRatio / rateRange / rateQuantity
  4. duration, durationMax
  5. frequency, frequencyMax, period and periodMax
  6. offset, when(s)
  7. dayOfWeek(s)
  8. timeOfDay(s)
  9. route
  10. site
  11. asNeededCodeableConcept / asNeeded
  12. boundsDuration / boundsRange
  13. count, countMax
  14. event(s)
  15. maxDosePerPeriod / maxDosePerAdministration / maxDosePerLifetime
  16. additionalInstruction(s)
  17. patientInstruction

The rules and logic for presenting each structure is detailed on the Text Generation Logic page.

Component Part Separator

In most cases, each component part of the medication instruction is separated by space-dash-space, e.g. “ - “.

Oxytetracycline 250mg tablets - 1 tablet - 4 times a day - oral

Oxytetracycline - 250 milligram - 4 times a day - oral

Exceptions are as follows;

  • Use a single whitespace after a method, e.g. Apply
  • Use a single whitespace to separate between a dayOfWeek and timeOfDay, e.g. on Monday at 10:30

Dose-to-Text Conversion Web Service

A web service is in development by NHS Digital that will implement this logic and translate a CareConnect medication-related profiled resource and return a string suitable for use as the text narrative. When available, this web service can be used by system suppliers during their software prototyping and design phases. It should also be suitable as an operational service so that system suppliers so not have to implement this complex logic within their own solutions.

Have a play with the Experimental Alpha Web Services hosted on AWS.

Tags: fhir

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