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Summary HTML view

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SUM Summary Yes Yes Yes Yes

Clinical narrative

Clinicians work in busy and time-pressured environments. They need access to high-quality, relevant and wherever possible consistent information to support safe, effective and efficient assessment of their patients.

Timely sharing of clinical information is key to the delivery and improvement of safe and effective clinical care.


The purpose of this section is to provide a summarised view of the pertinent clinical information regarding a patient within a page. This allows a clinician to efficiently peruse key information from the patient’s clinical record and supports clinical decision making.

Sections and subsections

There is only a single main section for the summary section with 5 subsections:

Date filter

Date filters are not supported for this section. All relevant records shall be returned.

Active problems and issues

This section is an exact replica of the Active problems and issues section, which is the first subsection within the Problems and issues section. Further details about this subsection can be found there, including any date range filtering and business rules.

Please see HTML guidance in the Active problems and issues section.

Current medication issues

This section is an exact replica of the Current medication issues section, which is the first subsection within the Medications section. Further details about this subsection can be found there, including any date range filtering and business rules.

Please see HTML guidance in the Current medication issues section.

Current repeat medications

This section is an exact replica of the Current repeat medications section, which is the second subsection within the Medications section. Further details about this subsection can be found there, including any date range filtering and business rules.

Please see HTML guidance in the Current repeat medications section.

Current allergies and adverse reactions

This section is an exact replica of the Current allergies and adverse reactions section, which is the first subsection within the Allergies and adverse reactions section. Further details about this subsection can be found there, including any date range filtering and business rules.

Please see HTML guidance in the Current allergies and adverse reactions section.

Last 3 encounters

This section is an exact replica of the Encounters section with a filter applied to show the three most recent encounters. Further details about this section can be found there including any date range filtering and business rules.

Please see HTML guidance in the Encounters section.
Important: the section title for Encounters on the Summary view should explicitly state ‘Last 3 encounters’. The columns and content should be as per the HTML guidance for encounters with the exception of only 3 rows in the table.

All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated