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Signpost Details

Gives information about patient signposting during consultation

Signposting Section Content

The signpost details section carries information about the signposting that a patient recieves during a consultation. PRSB Elements should be formatted as subheadings in any HTML sent.

There may be 0 TO MANY record entries under a section. Each record entry is made up of a number of the elements or data items below.

In order to distinguish a signposting using a ReferralRequest,

  • ReferralRequest.status should be set to “draft”
  • ReferralRequest.intent set to “proposal”
Data Item Description Cardinality Values Mandatory/required/ optional FHIR Target
Date Date of signpost. 0 TO 1 DateTime Required ReferralRequest.authoredOn
Signpost To Details of where the signpost is to.
If not an individual, this could be a service.
0 TO 1 Either a HealthcareService, or Practitioner Required ReferralRequest.recipient
[Signpost To] Individual Include:
* Name of person signposted to
* Role of person signposted to
* The grade of the person signposted to
* The team or department signposted to (individual)
* The specialty signposted to e.g. physiotherapy, oncology, mental health etc
0 TO 1 Individual details captured by the system Required ReferralRequest.recipient -> Practitioner/PractitionerRole/HealthcareService/CareTeam
[Signpost To] Service Details of where the signpost is to (service)
* Service (either coded or free text)
0 TO 1 ReferralRequest.recipient->HealthcareService Required ReferralRequest.recipient->HealthcareService
Contact details The contact details of where the person has been signposted to. 0 TO 1 free text Required PractitionerRole.telecom (for individual)
HealthcareService.telecom (for service)
Reason for Signpost The reason for signposting. 0 TO 1 free text or coded Required ReferralRequest.reasonCode
Urgency for Signpost The details of the clinical urgency of signpost. 0 TO 1 free text or coded Required * ReferralRequest.priority (for coded)
* ReferralRequest.note (for text)

Example Section

<!--Signpost details-->
		<title value="Signpost details"/>
				<system value=""/>
				<code value="975131000000104"/>
				<display value="Signposting"/>
			<status value="additional"/>
			<div xmlns="">
			<table width="100%">
					<th>Signpost To</th>
					<td>BROWN, John</td>
					<td>Senior Social Worker (Mental Health)</td>
					<td>Cambridge Mental Health Team</td>
					<td>Mental Health</td>
					<th>Contact details</th>
					<th>Reason for Signpost</th>
					<td>Signs of depressions noted during consultation</td>
					<th>Urgency for Signpost</th>
		<!-- if coded data included, this links to the coded ReferralRequest -->
			<reference value="urn:uuid:a0dc6fe6-e7a9-4cfd-90d2-ab587007f20f"/>

Example Coding

<!-- the ReferralRequest -->
		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:a0dc6fe6-e7a9-4cfd-90d2-ab587007f20f"/>
				<id value="a0dc6fe6-e7a9-4cfd-90d2-ab587007f20f"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<status value="draft"/>
				<intent value="proposal"/>				
				<authoredOn value="2021-09-04T12:34:00+00:00"/>
					<!-- link to the practitioner (individual) -->
						<reference value="urn:uuid:48d54dd7-28ef-455c-a5e1-375fab1db59e"/>
						<display value="BROWN John"/>
				<!-- reason for signpost -->
						<code value="394924000"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<display value="Symptoms of depression"/>
				<!-- for free text reason use reasonCode.text
					<text value="Observed symptoms of depression"/>
				</reasonCode> -->
				<!-- urgency for signpost -->
				<priority value="routine"/>
					<reference value="urn:uuid:9af701f7-5eb2-4402-bb3c-8ef8c8190082"/>
				<!-- for free text urgency use ReferralRequest.note
						<text value="non urgent referral"/>
				</note>  -->

		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:48d54dd7-28ef-455c-a5e1-375fab1db59e"/>
				<id value="48d54dd7-28ef-455c-a5e1-375fab1db59e"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<!-- Practitioner's name -->
					<family value="BROWN"/>
					<given value="John"/>

		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:71ed95ba-4bbc-4080-a8d2-56dd0f5ca036"/>
				<id value="71ed95ba-4bbc-4080-a8d2-56dd0f5ca036"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<!-- link to the practitioner -->
					<reference value="urn:uuid:48d54dd7-28ef-455c-a5e1-375fab1db59e"/>
				<!-- role or Practitioner -->
						<code value="R9590"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<display value="Senior Social Worker (Mental Health)"/>
				<!-- specialty -->
						<code value="708168004"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<display value="Mental health service"/>
						<system value="email"/>
						<value value=""/>

		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:1d2c557c-97f0-4e05-9d30-b25a4d4b6c9e"/>
				<id value="1d2c557c-97f0-4e05-9d30-b25a4d4b6c9e"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<!-- name of care team -->
				<name value="Cambridge Mental Health Team"/>
				<!-- link to the Practitioner -->
						<reference value="urn:uuid:48d54dd7-28ef-455c-a5e1-375fab1db59e"/>


Example Coding for a Service


		<fullUrl value="urn:uuid:75802b19-7a33-416e-89a8-2fbabfa75726"/>
				<id value="75802b19-7a33-416e-89a8-2fbabfa75726"/>
					<profile value=""/>
				<!-- type of healthcare service -->
						<code value="708168004"/>
						<system value=""/>
						<display value="Mental health service"/>
				<!-- contact details -->
						<system value="email"/>
						<value value=""/>

Tags: fhir

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