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SMS client assurance process

Summary of the functional testing and required evidence submission to complete the assurance process. 

1. Develop

This is the product development stage using the resources within the requirements pack to understand both the technical and business requirements. At this stage it is also possible to access the DEV or opentest environments. At this stage the ITK Supplier Certified Requirements spreadsheet must be completed (in the test pack). 

2. Test

Local testing of the solution using TKW Autotest Manager , executing the positive and negative tests against the client under test. The tool will auto-generate the test evidence for submission to NHS Digital, which will allow access into a path-to-live environment (INT).

3. Test

Integration positive test (only) against the path-to-live (INT) environment. This stage pipe-cleans the deployment process e.g. ensure that firewall configurations are understood.

4. Review

The test evidence, the completed SCAL and ITK Supplier Certified Requirements spreadsheet are reviewed by NHS Digital.

Once the ITK Conformance Certificate and End User approval have been obtained, and relevant agreements have been signed, the deployment process can be completed.

Last edited: 19 July 2019 1:37 pm