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Get the FHIR Conformance Profile

Use case for getting the FHIR server's conformance profile.

API Usage

Request Operation

FHIR Conformance Request

The /metadata path on the root of the FHIR server will return the Conformance statement for the FHIR server:

GET https://[fhir_base]/metadata

Alternatively, a HTTP OPTIONS request against the root of the FHIR server will also return the conformance profile:

OPTIONS https://[fhir_base]/
  • For details of this interaction - see the HL7 FHIR specification
  • Note: The mime-type can be specified to request either XML or JSON using another URL parameter ?_format=[mime-type], or a Content-Type HTTP header as per the FHIR specification.

Request Headers

Consumers SHALL include the following additional HTTP request headers:

Header Value
Ssp-TraceID Consumer’s TraceID (i.e. GUID/UUID)
Ssp-From Consumer’s ASID
Ssp-To Provider’s ASID
Ssp-InteractionID urn:nhs:names:services:visitorsandmigrants:fhir:rest:read:metadata
Authorization This will carry the base64 encoded JSON web token required for audit - see Cross Organisation Audit and Provenance for details.

Payload Request Body


Error Handling

The Spine will always return a valid conformance statement.

Request Response

Response Headers

No additional headers expected beyond those described in the HTTP and FHIR® standards.

Payload Response Body

  • The Spine will return a 200 OK HTTP status code on successful retrival of the conformance profile.

An example Conformance profile is available here - client systems should always use the Conformance profile from the above URL as the authoritative conformance statement - this is provided as an example for reference only.


var client = new FhirClient("http://[fhir_base]/");
client.PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json;
var resource = client.Conformance();
Tags: fhir

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