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Error Handling - Overview

Implementation guidance for developers - focusing on error handling


There are several points at which an error may occur to prevent the booking operations completing successfully.

The following guidance is for “Care Connect” booking. GP Connect is very similar but has specific guidance here.


Error codes are returned by the APIs used to connect to each service. Error codes are meant for developer use only - they should not be presented to end-users. Instead, Consumer applications should interpret the codes and provide user-friendly resolution steps on failure. Consumer and Provider systems should record the detailed error codes in local logs in order to support service incident investigation.

As the process is initiated by a Consumer there could be several stages that create issues - this table provides a high-level overview of each stage and then follows with specific sections to detail the error handling process and Consumer and Provider responsibilities.

Interaction Flow Error Handling Overview
Consumer→DOS DOS APIs return a number of significant errors specific to the actual API failing. These are all self-contained in that process.These are documented below and will not affect the ongoing activity unless the data returned in the query is erroneous and then means the next stages of the process fail.
Consumer→SDS SDS processes will fail if connectivity to SDS does not work, authentication of the Consumer system does not work or badly formed requests are sent in.A successful request should return the correct information on the endpoints to be used for the next stage of the process with SSP, however, if the data supplied from DOS is invalid there may be a successful return with no endpoint information.
Consumer→SSP SSP processes will fail if connectivity to SSP does not work, authentication of the Consumer system does not work or badly formed requests are sent in.A successful request should be passed through to the Provider endpoint and processed by that system, but these operations could fail.
Consumer→SSP→Provider If SSP successfully proxies a request through to a Provider endpoint, it will return an error code from that endpoint.

Consumer → DOS

The DOS will return specific errors when searching for services. These are detailed here.

These errors are all about:

  • Technical issues with connecting to DOS, which should be investigated by local IT Support; or
  • No valid services being returned, which should be handled locally with agreed processes for widening search parameters. Note that successful completion of a DOS Search may occur, but provide incomplete or erroneous data for the booking process to continue due to poor data quality.

Common issues with data held in the DOS that will be discovered later:

  • Service information returned that supports booking, but a FHIR scheduling endpoint is not entered against the service or is not formatted correctly. This will result in failure later when using SDS to retrieve the endpoint information. This is an issue with DOS configuration and should be investigated with the DOS Leads.
  • Service information returned but no FHIR endpoint is configured even though booking is permitted.

Consumer responsibilities:

  1. Log errors returned by DOS for incident investigation
  2. Inform end-user with a suitable message appropriate to the business flow e.g. critical error with advice to call local IT helpdesk, or business process options to warn users to choose another service
  3. Ensure information for appropriate local incident management is captured

Consumer → SDS

The SDS will return specific errors when searching for an endpoint, for more information see the Spine Directory Service - LDAP API and the Spine External Interface Specification (EIS). In the event that a SDS query does not return an FHIR endpoint, this should be raised with NHS Digital using the existing support process.

Consumer responsibilities:

  1. Log errors returned by SDS for local and potential NHS Digital incident investigation
  2. Inform end-user with a suitable message appropriate to the business flow e.g. critical error with advice to call local IT helpdesk, or business process options to warn users to choose another service
  3. Ensure information for appropriate local incident management is captured

Consumer → SSP

If the SSP determines the endpoint is valid using the supplied ASID, then it will forward the request to the FHIR endpoint of the Provider system. The SSP will act as a true proxy here and passthrough requests and responses between Consumer and Provider systems.

However, there are instances where the request will fail before the Provider system receives the requests.

SSP will return specific HTTP error codes under these circumstances as per the following approach:

Here are examples of errors returned by SSP as error codes:

HTTP Code Issue Type Description of Error
403 forbidden The sender or receiver’s ASID is not authorised for this interaction.
405 not-supported Bad request for an unsupported HTTP verb such as TRACE.
415 not-supported A consumer application asked for an unsupported media type.
502 transient A downstream server is offline. This will mean the forwarding of the request to the Provider system failed as it was offline.
504 transient A downstream server timed out. This will mean SSP forwarded the request to the Provider system but it received a timeout.

Consumer responsibilities:

  1. Log errors returned by SSP for incident investigation by IT support staff
  2. Inform end-user with a suitable message appropriate to the business flow e.g. critical error with advice to call local IT helpdesk, or business process options to warn users to choose another service
  3. Ensure information for appropriate local incident management is captured

Consumer → SSP → Provider

Providers MUST respond to errors processing requests from a Consumer system as per the guidance below. The SSP will forward the responses unchanged.

For Care Connect booking workflows, the process is very similar to GP Connect. However, the Care Connect APIs have standardised on the approach to error handling to use the standard HL7 FHIR OperationOutcome resource.

The error code guidance is provided for each capability in the FHIR NHS Scheduling API Specification

Provider System responsibilities

  1. Log errors locally for incident investigation by IT support staff. If the Request is malformed, this should be logged specifically as a Consumer system issue. Details of the Consumer system should be logged to support investigation e.g. Org ID.
  2. On error send an appropriate HTTP 4xx or 5xx error code and an OperationOutcome resource. Use the sections of the OperationOutcome resource to send detailed information back to the Consumer system on what went wrong and why. This is especially important if there was an error in the Request, as this will help the Consumer support function diagnose what is wrong with their system or configuration.
  3. As a minimum the OperationOutcome resource must contain:
    • A provider id for the outcome e.g. a local id to identify local error codes or a text description
    • An issue severity code
    • An issue code


  "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
  "id": "ERR-23451",
  "meta": {
    "profile": [
  "issue": [
      "severity": "error",
      "code": "value",
      "details": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "INVALID_NHS_NUMBER"
      "diagnostics": "Any further internal debug details i.e. stack trace details etc."

The next table details the appropriate error code return values to be sent by Provider systems for important common issues that may occur for each interaction. In addition, the table details specific information that should be appended into the OperationOutcome response by Provider systems. Providers MUST implement these as a minimum.

Capability Area Issue Description HTTP Error Codes OperationOutcome Details
General No CapabilityStatement returned
The FHIR resources are malformed 400 Bad Request Add in details of what specifically is the issue in the FHIR resources - including OperationOutcome.issue.location or OperationOutcome.issue.expression as appropriate.
Server can't return the requested format e.g. server only does XML but JSON was requested 501 Not implemented Add in details of what specifically is the issue by an appropriate error information in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics.
Security JWT badly constructed 400 Bad Request Add in details of what went wrong including location details of the error.
JWT context of org and user is not allowed to perform the operation requested 403 Forbidden Add in details of what specifically is the issue by an appropriate error information about the reason that org or user lacks sufficient permissions in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics.
Search for free slots The Service ID sent in does not match locally to any schedules 404 Not found Add in details of what specifically is the issue by an appropriate error information about the Service ID issue in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics.
Query strings are invalid 400 Bad Request Add in details of what specifically is the issue in the search parameters - including OperationOutcome.issue.location or OperationOutcome.issue.expression as appropriate.
No slots available bookable by for this consumer 200 Success Add in details of why no slots returned in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics- the Consumer can record this for further business investigation around slots being opened up for a specific organisation e.g. if the provider org has restricted in the number of slots available to 111.
End of search in the past 400 Bad Request If BOTH search times are in the past, add in details of what specifically is the issue by an appropriate error information about the Service ID issue in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics. NOTE - it is perfectly fine for the start of the search window to be in the past
Make a Booking The request body was simply invalid 400 Bad Request Add in details of what specifically is the issue in the request - including OperationOutcome.issue.location or OperationOutcome.issue.expression as appropriate.
The requested Slot is no longer free 409 Conflict Add in details of why the slot is now not free in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics
The X-request-Id has been used previously 409 Conflict Add in details indicating the X-Request-Id header value has been used previously in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics
The patient identifier - NHS no - was invalid 422 Unprocessable Entity Add in details that the NHS No identifier was invalid in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics and highlight specifically the location in including OperationOutcome.issue.location or OperationOutcome.issue.expression as appropriate.
Get a booking The resource does not exist on the server e.g. invalid appointment resource reference 404 Not found Add in details of what specifically is the issue.
The query string parameters were invalid or unsupported 400 Bad Request Add in details of what specifically is the issue in the search parameters - including OperationOutcome.issue.location or OperationOutcome.issue.expression as appropriate.
Cancel a booking The consumer org is not permitted to cancel this booking. Note the booking flows permit cancellation by organisations other than the organisation that made the booking - but this is managed locally in the Provider system with configuration to allow the provider to control who can cancel bookings. 403 Forbidden Add in details of why no slots returned in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics- the Consumer can record this for further business investigation around why they could not cancel the booking e.g. only the organisation that made the booking is permitted to cancel a booking.
The X-request-Id has been used previously 409 Conflict Add in details indicating the X-Request-Id header value has been used previously in OperationOutcome.issue.diagnostics

Consumer System responsibilities

  1. Log errors returned by Provider systems for incident investigation by IT support staff. If the Response is malformed, this should be logged specifically as a Provider system issue. Details of the Provider system should be logged to support investigation e.g. DOS Service ID.
  2. Inform end-user with a suitable message appropriate to the business flow e.g. critical error with advice to call local IT helpdesk, or business process options (e.g. to warn users to choose another service)
  3. Ensure information for appropriate local incident management is captured.

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