Summary release notes of the versions released in API Implementation Guide
Note - versions of this specification follow semantic versioning - minor and patch versions should be considered as non-breaking.
1.0.1-live (3rd August 2018)
- Update to SSP system topologies
- Minor updates fixing broken links
1.0.0-live (29th June 2018)
- General tidy up of content for live publication
- Updates to error code lists to cover a wider set of national service requirements
- Added descriptions of smartcard authentication and SAML
0.3.0-beta (22nd June 2018)
- Addition of Legacy Messaging section and additional details about RBAC
0.2.0-alpha (17th April 2018)
- Updates to the JWT spec to incorporate unattended system-to-system use-cases
0.1.0-alpha (2nd February 2018)
- First incomplete alpha version of API spec