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Explore and Make use of Nationally Defined Messaging APIs


NRLS | Reference

Developer Cheat Sheet shortcuts for the
technical build of NRLS API.

1. Profiles:

Links to the NRLS FHIR profiles on the NHS FHIR Reference Server.

Profile Description
NRLS-DocumentReference-1 A DocumentReference resource is used to describe a record that is made available to a healthcare system.
Spine-OperationOutcome-1 Operation Outcome resource that supports a collection of error, warning or information messages that result from a NRLS Service Spine interaction.
Spine-OperationOutcome-1-0 The default Spine OperationOutcome profile resource that supports exceptions raised by the Spine common requesthandler and not the NRLS Service.

2. NRLS Pointer FHIR Profile

The table maps the ‘lean alpha’ Solution Data Model to NRLS-DocumentReference-1 profile elements.

Data Item FHIR Element Data Type Card Description
Identifier id string 0..1 Assigned by the NRLS at creation time. Uniquely identifies this record within an instance of the NRLS. Used by Providers to update or delete.
Version versionId string 0..1 Assigned by the NRLS at creation or update time. Used to track the current version of a Pointer.
Master Identifier masterIdentifier Identifier 0..1 The masterIdentifier is the identifier of the document as assigned by the source of the document. It is version specific – i.e. a new one is required if the document is updated. It is an optional field, providers do not have to supply a value.
  masterIdentifier.system Uri 1..1 The namespace for the identifier. This element must be completed if the masterIdentifier is to be included.
  masterIdentifier.value String 1..1 The unique value of the identifier. This element must be completed if the masterIdentifier is to be included.
Record status status Code 1..1 The status of the pointer
Record type type CodeableConcept 1..1 The clinical type of the record. Used to support searching to allow Consumers to make sense of large result sets of Pointers.
  type.system Uri 1..1 Example Value:
  type.code Code 1..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system. Example Value: 736253002
  type.display String 1..1 Representation defined by the system.
Patient subject Reference 1..1 The Patient that the record referenced by this Pointer relates to. Supports Pointer retrieval scenarios.
Record owner author Reference 1..1 ODS code for the record owner organization.
Pointer owner custodian Reference 1..1 ODS code for the pointer owner organization.
Related documents relatesTo BackboneElement 0..* Relationships to other documents
  relatesTo.code Code 1..1 The type of relationship between the documents. This element is mandatory if the relatesTo element is sent. Possible values are replaces, transforms, signs, appends. Reference 1..1 The Target of the relationship. This should contain the logical reference to the target DocumentReference held within the NRLS using the identifier property of this Reference Data Type.
Pointer referenced content BackboneElement 1..* Record referenced
Record mime type attachment.contentType code 1..1 Describes the format of the record such that the Consumer can pick an appropriate mechanism to handle the record. Without it the Consumer would be in the dark as to how to deal with the Record
Record URL attachment.url uri 1..1 The location of the record on the Provider’s system and/ or a service that allows you to look up information based on the provider url e.g. web page with service contact details
Record creation datetime attachment.creation dateTime 0..1 The date and time (on the Provider’s system) that the record was created. Note that this is an optional field and is meant to convey the concept of a static record.

3. ValueSets

Links to the NRLS FHIR value sets on the NHS FHIR Reference Server.

Valueset Description
ValueSet-NRLS-RecordType-1 A ValueSet that identifies the NRLS record type.
ValueSet-Spine-ErrorOrWarningCode-1 A ValueSet that identifies the Spine error or warning code in response to a request.
ValueSet-Spine-Response-Code-1-0 A set of codes to indicate low level error information about a Spine 2 error response to a request for patient record details. Exceptions raised by the Spine common requesthandler and not the NRLS Service will be returned using the Spine default spine-operationoutcome-1-0 profile which binds to this default valueSet.

4. CodeSystems

Links to the NRLS FHIR CodeSystems on the NHS FHIR Reference Server.

CodeSystem Description
CodeSystem-Spine-ErrorOrWarningCode-1 Spine error codes and descriptions.

5. Identifiers

NRLS supported URI’s:

identifier URI Comment
Logical ID [baseurl]/DocumentReference/[id] Pointer identifier
Patient[NHS Number] Patient
organization[ODS Code] Record author or record owner

6. Examples

JSON Example

A JSON example of a DocumentReference resource is displayed below.

XML Example

An XML example of a DocumentReference resource is displayed below.

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