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Cancel a registered appointment

Details the Cancel a Registered Appointment interaction

Use case

A system wishes to cancel an Appointment which was previously registered and has since been cancelled.


  • Utilises a JSON Web Token (JWT) to transmit Consumer system identity and authorisation details.
  • Utilises TLS Mutual Authentication for system level authentication.

Request Body

The request body is sent using an http PUT method.

The body is a valid Appointment resource which conforms to the relevant profile. NB The appointment resource MUST be retrieved from the Registry in order to ensure that no data is lost.

The update is protected using the approach described in the FHIR standard therefore an update may be rejected to prevent the loss of data.



Where the request succeeded, the response WILL include a status of 200 OK. The response WILL include a Location header giving the absolute URL including the version as per the FHIR standard i.e: Location: [base]/Appointment/[id]/_history/[vid] where [id] and [vid] are the newly created id and version id for the resource version. This URL WILL remain stable, and the resource WILL support RESTful updates using a PUT request to this URL. The response body WILL include the updated Appointment.


  • If the request fails because of a business rule (for example if differences are detected between the existing and updated Appointment), the response WILL include a status of 422 Unprocessable Entity as described here. This WILL be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because the request body failed validation against the relevant profiles, the response WILL include a status of 422 Unprocessable Entity as described here. This WILL be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because either no valid JWT is supplied or the supplied JWT failed validation, the response WILL include a status of 403 Forbidden. This WILL be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because a version conflict was detected, the response WILL include a status of 409 Conflict. This WILL be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.
  • If the request fails because an update is attempted which does not include an If-Match header, the response WILL include a status of 412 Pre-condition failed. This WILL be accompanied by an OperationOutcome resource providing additional detail.

  • If the request fails because the request body was simply invalid, the response WILL include a status of 400 Bad Request.
  • If the request fails because of a server error, the response WILL include a status of 500 Internal Server Error.

Failure responses with a 4xx status SHOULD NOT be retried without taking steps to address the underlying cause of the failure.

Failure responses with a 500 status MAY be retried.

Sample request body

<Appointment xmlns="">
        <versionId value="1"></versionId>
        <profile value=""></profile>
    <id value="b7e99463-00a1-45fc-98aa-02301c103aba"></id>
        <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"></system>
        <value value=""></value>
    <status value="cancelled"></status>
    <start value="2019-02-01T10:51:23.620+00:00"></start>
    <created value="2019-02-01T10:51:23+00:00"></created>
                <use value="official"></use>
                <system value=""></system>
                <value value="1234554321"></value>

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