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Patient Demographics Section

Gives information about the patient

Patient Demographics Section content

The Patient demographics section contains information about the patient. PRSB Elements should be formatted as subheadings in any HTML sent.

Section Description Card. MRO* FHIR Target and Guidance
Patient demographics Patient details and contact information. 1 only M Carried in the CodeableConcept of Composition.section.code FHIR element.
PRSB Element Description Card. MRO* FHIR Target and Guidance
Patient name The full name of the patient 1 only M The legal name of the patient from the Patient Demographics Service (PDS), or the name volunteered by the patient in text and carried in the FHIR element with the containing the value "official".
Patient preferred name The name by which a patient wishes to be addressed. 0 to 1 R The preferred name volunteered by the patient and recorded on the Patient Administration System (PAS), or a preferred name given by PDS that the patient has asked to be called by in text and carried in with the containing the value "usual".
Date of birth The date of birth of the patient. 1 only M The date of birth of the patient taken from PDS, or the date of birth volunteered by the patient (as recorded on the PAS (Patient Administration System). The date of birth will be as precise as possible but should at least contain a year. This will be in text and carried in the FHIR element Patient.birthDate.
Gender The patient's gender.  As the patient wishes to portray themselves. 0 to 1 R Text using the values of "Not known", "Male", "Female" or "Not specified" and mapped to the value carried in the FHIR element Patient.gender.code using the required FHIR ValueSet administrative-gender
NHS number The unique identifier for a patient within the NHS in England and Wales. 0 to 1 R Sent as text as per the NHS Data Dictionary NHS number. Traced NHS Numbers only should be used and the NHS number SHOULD be carried in the FHIR element Patient.identifier.
Other identifier Country specific or local identifier, e.g., Community Health Index (CHI) in Scotland. Two data items: type of identifier and identifier. 0 to many R Recorded as per: NHS Data Dictionary - local identifier. The assigning authority should also be supplied along with the country or local identifier. This is carried as text and also carried in the FHIR element Patient.identifier.
Patient address Patient's usual place of residence. 1 only M Sent in accordance with the NHS Data Dictionary: patient usual address. May be auto generated from PDS, GP referral record, or from the local PAS. Text and also carried in the FHIR element Patient.address
Patient email address Email address of the patient 0 to 1 O Set in accordance with the NHS Data Dictionary: contact email address (patient or lead contact). May be auto generated from PDS, GP referral record, or from the local PAS. Text and also carried in the FHIR element Patient.telecom with Patient.telecom.code containing the value "email".
Patient telephone number Telephone contact details of the patient. To include, e.g., mobile, work and home number if available. 0 to many O Contact details may come from PDS, or those recorded on the local PAS.Both the actual contact number and its use (work number, home number, mobile number etc.) should be sent. Text and also carried in the FHIR element Patient.telecom with Patient.telecom.code containing the value "phone".
Relevant contacts Include the most important contacts including:*Personal contacts e.g., next of kin, in case of emergency contact, lasting power of attorney, dependents, informal carers etc.*Health/care professional contacts e.g., social worker, hospital clinician, care coordinator, Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) etc. Name, relationship, role (if formal role), contact details and availability, e.g. out of hours. 0 to 1 O Details of relevant contacts, such as carers or family members, as recorded on the local system, or volunteered by the patient. This will be a free text list of relevant contacts.
Educational establishment If the patient is a child, name and address of where the child attends, eg play group, nursery, school. 0 to 1 O Free text which may include the ODS code.
* M=Mandatory R=Required O=Optional

Example Patient Demographics Section

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