National Pathology FHIR Message Bundle
The FHIR message bundle is a collection of FHIR Resource Profiles that have been designed to support the requirements for National Pathology messaging (Haematology or Chemical Pathology).
The message bundle consists of the following FHIR Resource Profiles.
CareConnect-ProcedureRequest-1 - An NHS Digital Profile that contains the details of the originating procedure requested, for example a GP Practice.
CareConnect-DiagnosticReport-1 - An NHS Digital Profile that contains the test report summary data from the test report.
CareConnect-Specimen-1 - An NHS Digital Profile to capture the specifics of each sample tested by a pathology laboraratory
CareConnect-Observation-1 - A CareConnect Profile for an observation. The Observation Resource is used to record the output from a group of tests and the output from a single test.