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Introduction to linkages between data items in GP Connect


One of the purposes in developing the FHIR® profiles is to ensure that clinical data is, as much as possible, presented the same way regardless of the provider system. This ensures the consuming system (and clinician) will always know where to look for each type of information.

However, information about the patient is not just held within the profiles but in how those profiles are linked together.

For example, linking a medication to a problem means that as well as the record showing what the patient is taking, it also explains why they are taking it.

For a consuming system to be able to interpret this linkage information correctly, it needs to be presented in the same way regardless of the providing system.

GP Connect FHIR® model

To support this, GP Connect has developed a FHIR model that identifies all the GP Connect FHIR profiles and how they are related together to store the patient record.

The model currently covers Consultations, Problems, Medications and Medical Devices, Allergies, Immunisations and Uncategorised Data. Other clinical areas will be added as they are developed.

GP Connect FHIR Model

GP Connect FHIR Model

The relationships between two FHIR profiles are recorded in only one of the linked FHIR profiles (similar to in a relational database management system). This is shown by the direction of the arrow in the FHIR model.

For example, the MedicationStatement profile contains a field that can be used to look up the linked Medication. There is no field in the Medication profile that can be used to look up the linked MedicationStatement.

FHIR profiles returned on query

When a consumer system requests data on a clinical area the information is returned across a number of FHIR profiles. Choosing which FHIR profiles to return is a balancing act between including enough linked profiles to give the consumer system a comprehensive response to their query but not including so many linked profiles as to swamp the consumer system with data.

The three main considerations used to decide which data to return for each clinical area were:

  • include all the FHIR profiles required to fully describe the requested clinical area
  • include the FHIR profiles required to define all the linkages from the requested clinical area
  • include the FHIR profiles from linked clinical areas where they are key to understanding the requested clinical area For each clinical area in a query that returns data a list should be generated that contains links to all data items returned for that clinical area.

Dealing with confidential items

Any clinical area that has not returned an item as it was confidential SHALL populate the relevant list with the warning code confidential-items as specified in the resource population fundamentals page.

Problems are an exception to this rule. It is only necessary to indicate if a problem has not been returned due to confidentiality when responding to a specific problem query. Where problems are due to be returned as they are linked to an item returned as part of a query for a different clinical area, e.g. a medication query, but are omitted for confidentiality reasons MUST NOT be marked with a warning code.

The reason for the exception in the case of problems is due to the fact that problem linkages are applied manually and are therefore not consistent across the GP estate. As not everything that could be considered a problem will be linked then to warn that a problem was missing could lead to confusion as this is also possible when the warning is not present.


When GP Connect returns a consultation it will supply the metadata of the consultation and all the clinical data that was recorded during the consultation.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to Encounter for every Consultation that met the search criteria
  • A List profile for each clinical area that data exists in the bundle

For each Encounter referenced in the List profile:

  • The Encounter profile of the Consultation
  • The List profiles that describe the structure of the Consultation
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any directly linked Problems
  • The MedicationRequest, MedicationStatement and Medication profiles of any linked Medications or Medical Devices
    • Always include the MedicationStatement, MedicationRequest (intent = plan) and Medication profiles
    • Only include MedicationRequest (intent = order) for directly linked issues
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Medications and Medical Devices
  • The AllergyIntolerance profile of any linked Allergies
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Allergies
  • The Immunization profile of any linked Immunisations
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Immunisations
  • The Observation profile of any linked Uncategorised Data
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Uncategorised Data
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above.
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location.

Where a Consultation links to a profile that is not yet supported by the provider system then it is not included in the response. Details on how this is done can be found in the Consultation Guidance.

Clinical items within the Consultation are always included in the response regardless of their inclusion/exclusion in other parts of the query. So, for example, if a consumer requests a Consultation that contains a Medication but does not explicitly request Medications in the query, the provider will still include the Medication contained in the Consultation as part of its response.

Consultation Returned FHIR profiles


When GP Connect returns a problem it will supply the metadata and description of the problem and all the clinical data that has been linked to the problem.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to ProblemHeader (Condition) for every Problem that met the search criteria
  • A List profile for each clinical area that data exists in the bundle

For each ProblemHeader (Condition) referenced in the List profile:

  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of the Problem
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profiles of any directly linked Problems
  • The MedicationRequest, MedicationStatement and Medication profiles of any linked Medications or Medical Devices
    • Always include the MedicationStatement, MedicationRequest (intent = plan) and Medication profiles
    • Only include MedicationRequest (intent = order) for directly linked issues
  • The AllergyIntolerance profile of any linked Allergies
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Allergies
  • The Immunization profile of any linked Immunisations
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Immunisations
  • The Observation profile of any linked Uncategorised Data
    • Include the ProblemHeader (Condition) profile of any Problems linked to the returned Uncategorised Data
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location

Where a Problem links to a profile that is not yet supported by the provider system, then it is not included in the response. Details on how this is done can be found in the Problem Guidance.

Clinical items linked to the Problem are always included in the response regardless of their inclusion/exclusion in other parts of the query. So, for example, if a consumer requests a Problem that links to a Medication but does not explicitly request Medications in the query, the provider will still include the Medication linked to the Problem as part of its response.

Problem Returned FHIR profiles

Medications and medical devices

When GP Connect returns a medication or medical device it will supply the prescription plan information. If asked for by the consumer, GP Connect will also return all the prescription issues made under the plan.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to MedicationStatement for every Medication and Medical Device that met the search criteria
  • A List profile containing references to each ProblemHeader that is contained in the bundle

For each MedicationStatement referenced in the List profile:

  • The MedicationStatement profile of the Medication or Medical Device
  • The MedicationRequest (intent = plan) profile of the Medication or Medical Device
  • The Medication profile of the Medication and Medical Device
  • Where requested, the MedicationRequest (intent = order) profile for every issue
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profiles of any directly linked Problems
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location

Medication and Medical Device Returned FHIR profiles


When GP Connect returns an allergy it will supply all the allergy data.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to AllergyIntolerance for every active Allergy
  • Where requested, a List profile containing references to AllergyIntolerance for every ended Allergy
  • A List profile containing references to each ProblemHeader that is contained in the bundle

For each AllergyIntolerance referenced in either of the List profiles:

  • The AllergyIntolerance profile of the Allergy
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profiles of any directly linked Problems
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location
Allergy Returned FHIR profiles


When GP Connect returns an immunisation it will supply all the immunisation data.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to Immunization for every Immunisation
  • A List profile containing references to each ProblemHeader that is contained in the bundle

For each Immunization referenced in the List profile:

  • The Immunization profile of the Immunisation
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profiles of any directly linked Problems
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location
Immunisation Returned FHIR profiles

Uncategorised data

When GP Connect returns uncategorised data it will supply all the data about the uncategorised data.

The response to the query includes:

  • A List profile containing references to Observation for every Uncategorised Data that met the search criteria
  • A List profile containing references to each ProblemHeader that is contained in the bundle

For each Observation referenced in the List profile:

  • The Observation profile of the Uncategorised Data
  • The ProblemHeader (Condition) profiles of any directly linked Problems
  • All administrative profiles referenced directly (or via another administrative profile) by any of the clinical profiles included above
    • Include Patient, Organization, PractitionerRole, Practitioner and Location
Uncategorised Data Returned FHIR profiles

Duplicate returned profiles

Where the same instance of a profile is returned from multiple query responses (for example a medication is returned as part of the medication search and the consultation search), it will only be included once in the response message.

The details on how this is implemented in an API can be found in the API definition.

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