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Allergies and adverse reactions

Allergies HTML view
Section code Section name TPP EMIS Vision Microtest
ALL Allergies and Adverse Reactions Yes Yes1 Yes2 Yes

1 EMIS have indicated that they are including all allergies & sensitivities in the ‘Current Allergies …..’ section

2 Vision have indicated they don’t record end dates for allergies & sensitivities. Hence, no History view is possible

Clinical narrative

A reaction to a substance not intended to occur. Allergies are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to an external agent.


The purpose of this section is to provide the clinician with a list of patient allergies to enable safe prescribing and treatment recommendations for a patient.

Sections and subsections

Contains two subsections:

Section title

The section title MUST be ‘Allergies and Adverse Reactions’.

Date filter

Date filters are not supported for this section all relevant records shall be returned for the current and historic allergies and adverse reactions.

Section content banner

Provider message describing at a summary level how they have populated this section.

Current allergies and adverse reactions

Clinical narrative

A reaction to a substance not intended to occur. Allergies are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to an external agent.


The purpose of this section is to provide the clinician with a list of current allergies to enable safe prescribing and treatment recommendations for a patient.

Subsection title

The subsection title MUST be ‘Current Allergies and Adverse Reactions’.

Subsection content banner

Provider message describing at a summary level how they have populated this subsection.

Table columns

Providers must return all the columns as described in the table below, sorted by Start Date descending:

Order Name Description Value Details    
Start Date The start date of the allergy or adverse reaction dd-Mmm-yyyy
Details Longer human-readable details for the allergy or adverse reaction free-text

Historical allergies and adverse reactions

Clinical narrative

A reaction to a substance not intended to occur. Allergies are caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to an external agent.


The purpose of this section is to provide the clinician with a list of historical allergies to enable safe prescribing and treatment recommendations for a patient.

Subsection title

The subsection title MUST be ‘Historical Allergies and Adverse Reactions’.

Subsection content banner

Provider message describing at a summary level how they have populated this subsection.

Table columns

Providers must return all the columns as described in the table below, sorted by End Date descending:

Order Name Description Value details    
Start Date The start date of the allergy or adverse reaction dd-Mmm-yyyy
End Date The end date of the allergy or adverse reaction dd-Mmm-yyyy
Details Longer human readable details for the allergy or adverse reaction free-text

HTML view

   <h1>Allergies and Adverse Reactions</h1>
   <div class="gptransfer-banner">
         <!-- GP transfer banner -->
   <div class="content-banner">
         <!-- Content banner -->
      <h2>Current Allergies and Adverse Reactions</h2>
      <div class="content-banner">
            <!-- Content banner -->
      <div class="exclusion-banner">
            <!-- Exclusion banner -->
               <th>Start Date</th>
               <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each current allergy and adverse reaction-->
               <td class="date-column">{{allergyadversereaction.startdate}}</td>
      <h2>Historical Allergies and Adverse Reactions</h2>
      <div class="content-banner">
            <!-- Content banner -->
	  <div class="exclusion-banner">
            <!-- Exclusion banner -->
               <th>Start Date</th>
               <th>End Date</th>
               <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each historical allergy and adverse reaction-->
               <td class="date-column">{{allergyadversereaction.startdate}}</td>
               <td class="date-column">{{allergyadversereaction.enddate}}</td>

Example view

See the Pen Allergies by gp_connect (@tford70) on CodePen.

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