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Emergency codes

Emergency codes HTML view
Warning: the Emergency codes section is only ever visible on the Summary view. It cannot be requested independently like the other HTML views. Items in this view will also be visible in other HTML views.

Clinical narrative

During an emergency the Emergency codes section can be switched on and configured to display a known list of coded items, to enable a clinician to clearly see entries on the patient record associated with the emergency.


The purpose of this section is to provide the clinician with a list of configurable coded items during an emergency.

Sections and subsections

There is a single main section for emergency codes with no subsections.

Section title

The section title MUST be ‘Emergency Codes’.

Date filter

Date filters are not supported for this section all relevant records shall be returned.

Section content banner

Provider message describing at a summary level how they have populated this section.

Table columns

Providers must return all the columns as described in the table below, sorted by Date descending:

Order Name Description Value details    
1 Date The date of entry of the coded item dd-Mmm-yyyy
2 Entry Preferred term text for the coded item free-text
3 Details Longer human readable details for the coded item free-text
4 Location of further information The name of the HTML view(s) where this coded item is visible elsewhere in the record free-text

Additional functionality

The following requirements MUST be fulfilled without need of code release:

  • The contents of this view MUST be based on a configurable list of codes.
  • The configurable list MUST be able to group codes to allow a single code to be visible, if more than one code in the group exits on the patient record. The most recent code on the record MUST be displayed in the Emergency Codes view.
  • The Emergency codes view MUST contain configuration to allow the provider to switch on and off as necessary.
  • The section content banner text MUST be a configurable item.

Information associated with the current emergency can be found here nshconnect/gpconnect-emergency-codes

Information: NHSD will supply the list of codes to be configured, and communicate when this functionality should be switched on/off.

HTML view

   <h1>Emergency Codes</h1>
         <!-- Content banner -->
            <th>Location of further information</th>
            <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each emergency code configured-->
            <td class="date-column">{{emergency.startdate}}</td>

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