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Administrative items

Administrative Items HTML view

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Section Code Section Name TPP EMIS Vision Microtest
ADM Administrative Items Yes No1 Yes Yes

1 EMIS have indicated they can’t support extracting administrative items.

Clinical narrative

These include tasks such as scheduling and administering clinical care encounters, Clinical communication with other care organisations, administering and monitoring of critical safety processes such as repeat medication administration and call/recall for care.


The purpose of this section is to provide information for the health care teams on the recorded management and administrative processes and activity to support safe and effective care.

Sections and subsections

There is only a single main section for Administrative Items with no subsections.

Date filter

A date filter is applicable for the Administrative Items section. Provider messages for a date filter can be found here.

Section content banner

Provider message(s) describing at a summary level how this section has been populated. Provider content messages can be found here.

Table construction requirements

Providers MUST adhere to the table construction requirements listed below:

  • table header MUST be “Administrative Items”
  • table columns MUST be ordered left-to-right (1..N)
  • table content MUST NOT be truncated

Table columns

Providers MUST return all the columns as described in the table below, ordered by Date descending:

Order Name Description Value Details    
Date The date of the administrative item dd-Mmm-yyyy
Entry A short human readable free-text title for the administrative item free-text
Details Longer human readable details for the administrative item, codes such as READ or SNOMED MUST NOT be included. free-text

HTML view

The following content highlights the expected HTML tags and format providers MUST use when generating the HTML content:

   <h1>Administrative Items</h1>
         <!-- GP transfer banner -->
         <!-- Content banner -->
         <!-- Date banner -->
         <!-- Exclusion banner -->
            <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each administrative item-->

All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated