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Medications HTML view
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Warning: The content of the Medications view is currently under review following initial First of Type feedback, and will be uplifted in a future version of the specification.

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Section Code Section Name TPP EMIS Vision Microtest
MED Medications Yes Yes Yes Yes

Clinical narrative

A drug or other form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent disease.


The purpose of this section is to provide a chronological history of medication prescribing as recorded.

Sections and subsections

Contains one main section, and three subsections:

Section content banner

Provider message(s) describing at a summary level how this section has been populated. Provider content messages can be found here.

Current medication issues

Clinical narrative

A list of drugs or other forms of medicines that are currently being used to treat or prevent disease for the patient.


The purpose of this subsection is to provide a view of medications that the patient is currently taking which informs the clinical decision-making process.

Warning: The current medications list will only contain those items prescribed by the patient’s current GP organization. Hence, if the patient has been issued prescriptions elsewhere or has recently moved GP practice then this list may not be complete.

Date filter

A default or consumer provided date range MUST NOT be applied by the provider for this section. The current issue of repeat or acute medication will be returned

Subsection content banner

There are no content banner messages for this subsection.

Table construction requirements

Providers MUST adhere to the table construction requirements listed below:

  • table header MUST be “Current Medication Issues”
  • table columns MUST be ordered left-to-right (1..N)
  • table content MUST NOT be truncated

Table columns

Providers MUST return all the columns as described in the table below, ordered by Start Date descending:

Order Name Description Value Details    
Start Date Start date of medication item issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Medication Item     Descriptive name of medication item (inculding dosage) free-text
Type Type of medication issued (values Repeat or Acute) free-text
Scheduled End Scheduled end date of medication issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Days Duration Duration of medication issued integer
Details Longer human readable free-text details for the medication item                  free-text

Current repeat medications

Clinical narrative

A list of repeat drugs or other forms of medicines that are currently being used to treat or prevent disease for the patient. This may also include PRN occasional use medication e.g. EpiPen, antihistamines, monitoring or continence products etc.


The purpose of this subsection is to provide a view of repeat medications that the patient is currently prescribed, which informs the clinical decision-making process.

Date filter

A default or consumer provided date range MUST NOT be applied by the provider for this section. All current repeat medication (templates/courses) will be returned.

Subsection content banner

Provider messages describing at a summary level how they have populated this subsection can be found here.

Table construction requirements

Providers MUST adhere to the table construction requirements listed below:

  • table header MUST be “Current Repeat Medications”
  • table columns MUST be ordered left-to-right (1..N)
  • table content MUST NOT be truncated

Table columns

Providers MUST return all the columns as described in the table below, ordered by Last Issued descending:

Order Name Description Value Details    
Last Issued Date of medication item last issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Medication Item     Descriptive name of medication item (inculding dosage) free-text
Start Date Start date of medication item issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Review Date Review date of medication issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Number Issued Number of times medication item issued integer
Max Issues Maximum number of issues allowed for medication item integer
Details Longer human readable free-text details for the medication item                  free-text

Past medications

Clinical narrative

A history view of drugs or other forms of medicines that have been used to treat or prevent disease for the patient.


The purpose of this subsection is to provide a historical view of repeat medications that the patient has been recorded to have been prescribed or taken. This informs the clinical decision-making process.

Where the medication was Cancelled (Acute) or Discontinued (Repeat), this SHOULD be included in the Details column as Cancelled followed by Date of Cancellation or Discontinued, followed by Date when discontinued.

Date filter

A date filter is applicable for the Past Medications subsection (details of the banner message returned can be found here):

  • All relevant records MUST be returned according to the consumer-supplied date range
  • If a date is not supplied all records MUST be returned

Subsection content banner

There are no content banner messages for this subsection.

Table construction requirements

Providers MUST adhere to the table construction requirements listed below:

  • table header MUST be “Past Medications”
  • table columns MUST be ordered left-to-right (1..N)
  • table content MUST NOT be truncated

Table columns

Providers MUST return all the columns as described in the table below, ordered by Start Date descending:

Order Name Description Value Details    
Start Date Start date of medication item issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Medication Item     Descriptive name of medication item (inculding dosage) free-text
Type Type of medication issued (values Repeat or Acute) free-text
Last Issued Date of medication item last issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Review Date Review date of medication issued dd-Mmm-yyyy
Number Issued Number of times medication item issued integer
Max Issues Maximum number of issues allowed for medication item integer
Details Longer human readable free-text details for the medication item                  free-text

HTML view

The following content highlights the expected HTML tags and format providers MUST use when generating the HTML content:

      <!-- GP transfer banner -->
      <!-- Content banner -->
   <h2>Current Medication Issues</h2>
         <!-- Content banner -->
         <!-- Exclusion banner -->
            <th>Start Date</th>
            <th>Medication Item</th>
            <th>Scheduled End</th>
            <th>Days Duration</th>
            <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each current medication issue-->
   <h2>Current Repeat Medications</h2>
         <!-- Content banner -->
         <!-- Exclusion banner -->
            <th>Last Issued</th>
            <th>Medication Item</th>
            <th>Start Date</th>
            <th>Review Date</th>
            <th>Number Issued</th>
            <th>Max Issues</th>
            <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each current repeat medication-->
   <h2>Past Medications</h2>
         <!-- Content banner -->
         <!-- Date banner -->
         <!-- Exclusion banner -->
            <th>Start Date</th>
            <th>Medication Item</th>
            <th>Last Issued</th>
            <th>Review Date</th>
            <th>Number Issued</th>
            <th>Max Issues</th>
         <!-- the <tr>...</tr> element will repeat for each medication-->

All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated