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Explore and Make use of Nationally Defined Messaging APIs



Design and Build APIs focuses on how to combine the resources in a callable API

1. Design & Build Overview

This page provides an overview of how the FHIR STU3 Resources that compose the EoLC message could be packaged together into an API to start the Design & Build process.

The previous Atomic Units concept has been represented as Questionare in a QuestionareResponse in the suggestion for an API.

2. API’s

Combining the FHIR Resources into an API has involved the following assumptions:

  1. End of Life Care Interoperability Use Cases and User Stories
  2. EoL National Minimum Dataset Relationship Diagram

This API has been establised as a useful starting point for EoLC but the concept of forming the APIs could be used in other solutions depending on the architecture and technological need.

3. API approach

For simplicity and to enable Provider and Consumer testing the Questionare and QuestionareResponse profiles have been used to provide a simple starting point to form the complicated questions and work performed in EoLC to date.

4. Other possible approaches

Other approaches have been considered during this work, such as:

  1. Atomic units becoming a bundled parameter extended operation
  2. Non-attested Document
  3. RESTful calls to form your own EoLC
Tags: fhir rest

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