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CPR Status Atomic Unit

Atomic Unit to capture the CPR Status for a patient.

CPR Status

The “CPR Status” collection of data is used to transmit the kind of data often recorded on DNACPR forms and also recorded as part of the ReSPECT form. This collection of data reflects a clinical decision that has been made. The decision may be made by one or more professionals in discussion with the patient and/or their representatives. Once the decision is made, it can also be shared after the time of decision with other individuals that were not present for the discussion.

The following FHIR profiles are used to form the CPR Status Atomic Unit:

CPR Status data item mapping to FHIR profiles

The CPR Status data items are fulfilled by elements within the FHIR resources listed below:

EOL Data Item FHIR resource element Mandatory/Required/Optional
CPR Status EOL-CPRStatus-Flag-1.code Mandatory
Reason for CPR status EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.reasonForCPRStatus Optional
CPR Status Mental Capacity EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.cPRStatusMentalCapacity Optional
Date Time of CPR Status EOL-CPRStatus-Flag-1.period.start Mandatory
Review Date EOL-CPRStatus-Flag-1.period.end Optional
Persons Involved in Discussion EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.personsInvolvedInDiscussion (Extension) Optional
Persons or Organisations Made Aware of the Decision EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.awarenessOfDecision (Extension) Optional
Professionals Involved in Decision EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.professionalsInvolvedInDecision Optional
Professional Recording the CPR status Mandatory
Professional Endorsing this CPR status EOL-CPRStatus-QuestionnaireResponse-1.professionalEndorsingStatus Optional

Persons Involved in Discussion and Persons or Organisations Made Aware of the Decision (codeableConcept) Guidance

Where the sending system supports a terminology system:

  • The codeableConcept.coding element MUST be populated with:
    • system: identity of the terminology system (e.g. SNOMED-CT)
    • code: symbol in syntax defined by the system
    • display: representation defined by the system
  • the codeableConcept.text field MUST be populated with the display value from the codeableConcept.coding.display element e.g. ‘Asthma (disorder)’
  • the codeableConcept.text field MAY contain free text to capture more detail associated with the codeableConcept.coding.code e.g. ‘Patient uses blue inhaler to relieve symptoms’

Where the sending system does not support a terminology system:

  • the codeableConcept.text field MUST be populated with a text description of the concept as a human readable narrative e.g ‘Asthma’.
  • the codeableConcept.text field MAY contain free text to capture more detail associated with the concept e.g. ‘Patient uses blue inhaler to relieve symptoms’

CPR Status ERD

CPR Status Examples XML

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