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Explore and Make use of Nationally Defined Messaging APIs


Generic Subscription API Requirements

Generic additional guidance for using the Subscription API

NHS Numbers

Any NHS numbers used when submitting a request to the NEMS subscription API SHALL have been traced against PDS (see the Spine Core specification for details).

Endpoint Registration

To use the NEMS subscription API the submitting system will require national assurance and must be set up as a Spine Endpoint with an associated endpoint certificate (see here for details).


All requests SHALL include a JWT with information about the requesting system and user (see the Spine Core specification for details). Additional NEMS specific requirements for population of the JWT are outlined below.

JWT Claims

claim Required requirements
scope Mandatory The scope claim must be either patient/ or patient/Subscription.write
sub Mandatory If requesting_user claim is included in the JWT then the value of the sub claim must match the value of the requesting_user. If requesting_user claim is not present in the JWT then sub claim value must match the value of the requesting_system claim.
requesting_system Mandatory The requesting_system claim SHALL include the ASID of the system making the request to the API. This ASID must be valid and be registered with the Spine.
requesting_organisation Mandatory The requesting_organisation claim SHALL include the ODS code for the requesting organisation. The ODS code must be known to Spine and it must be associated with the ASID included within the requesting_system JWT claim.
requesting_user Optional The requesting_user should contain the identity of the Health or Social Care professional making the request.
requesting_patient Optional If included the requesting_patient is provided it SHALL include a valid NHS number.

NEMS Supported MIME-types

The supported MIME-types for the NEMS, for use in the “Content-Type” and “Accept” headers are:

  • application/fhir+xml
  • application/fhir+json
  • application/fhir+xml;charset=utf-8
  • application/fhir+json;charset=utf-8
  • application/xml+fhir
  • application/json+fhir
  • application/xml+fhir;charset=utf-8
  • application/json+fhir;charset=utf-8

Where the MIME-type is not supplied the NEMS will default to application/xml+fhir;charset=utf-8

Tags: fhir

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