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Use of ITK3 FHIR profiles in NEMS

Use of ITK3 wrapper FHIR profiles for event receivers to consume events published by the NEMS

Use of ITK3 wrapper FHIR profiles

The FHIR profiles for the ITK Messaging Distribution wrapper will be applied to NEMS as detailed below.

An XML example representation is available at ITK-EMS-PDSBirthNotification-MessageBundle-Example-1.


Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
id 0..1 Logical id of this artifact
meta 0..1 Metadata about the resource
identifier 1..1 Persistent identifier for the bundle
entry 2..* entries for ITK-MessageHeader-2 and EMS-Bundle-1 resources


Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
id 0..1 Logical id of this artifact
meta 0..1 Metadata about the resource
extension (ITKMessageHandling) 1..1 An extension to support ITK message handling (see below)
event 1..1 Fixed value: ITK011M (ITK Events Management Service)
timestamp 1..1 Time that the message was sent
source 1..1 Message source application
focus 1..1 The actual content of the message i.e. EMS-Bundle-1


Element Cardinality Additional Guidance
extension (BusAckRequested) 1..1 Populated when sender requires a business level response to be returned. Currently EMS will only send the element with a fixed value of ‘false’.
extension (InfAckRequested) 1..1 Populated when sender requires an infrastructure level response to be returned. Currently EMS will only send the element with a fixed value of ‘false’.
extension (RecipientType) 1..1 Indicates the type of recipient. Currently EMS will only send the element with a fixed value of ‘FI - For Information’
extension (MessageDefinition) 1..1 Reference to a URL for the MessageDefinition for the payload, i.e. ITK-EMS-MessageDefinition-1
extension (SenderReference) 1..1 A reference that the sender includes, i.e. the traceID
extension (LocalExtension) 1..1 Additional Content defined by implementations. Currently EMS will only send the element with a fixed value of ‘None’
Tags: fhir

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