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Information Flow between NHS e-RS, Spine and External Systems

Information Flow between NHS e-RS, Spine and External Systems

Glossary of Terms

Term / Abbreviation What it stands for
API Application Programming Interface
CAP Common Assurance Process. A single end to end process for assuring development and delivery of high quality and clinically safe IT. It provides assurance to the NHS, patients and other key stakeholders that a Service meets a given set of requirements.
CaB Choose and Book
Connecting Systems See ESP below.
CRI Clinical Referral Information
DevMAC Development Milestone Achievement Certificate.
eBS Electronic Booking Service
ESP Existing System Provider. For the purpose of this document, an ESP is Supplier delivering software or products outside of the scope of LSP or NASP contracts. This includes, but is not limited to, GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) and Independent Sector Treatment Centre (ISTC) Suppliers.
HL7 Health Level-7. A set of international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data between software applications used by various healthcare providers.
IG Information Governance.
LSP Local Service Provider.
NCRS National Care Records Service
PDS Personal Demographic Service.
RBAC Role Based Access Control.
RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix. Document detailing the requirements in scope for a given module and whether or not the solution under test meets these requirements.
SA Solution Assurance.
SDS Spine User Directory
SIRO Senior Information Risk Owner. An Executive Director or Senior Management Board Member who will take overall ownership of the Organisation’s Information Risk Policy, act as champion for information risk on the Board and provide written advice to the Accounting Officer on the content of the Organisation’s Statement of Internal Control in regard to information risk.
SCN Supplier Change Notification.
SRO Senior Responsible Owner. The SRO is accountable for the overall success of the project or programme. They are accountable for ensuring that the project or programme meets its objectives and that the expected benefits are realised. In relation to items on the NHS Digital Portfolio, the SRO is therefore the individual ultimately accountable for the successful delivery of the Portfolio Item.
SSD Systems and Service Delivery
UBRN Unique Booking Reference Number
V&P Volume and Performance.

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