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A028: Record Review Outcome (Deprecated)



This endpoint has been deprecated, meaning you should not use it for new integrations.

Instead, please use our newer e-RS FHIR API solution which is documented here:


This endpoint allows an authenticated Service Provider Clinician, or a Service Provider Clinician Admin, who has sufficient relationship to a Referral, to record a review outcome on a request.

A review outcome is a clinical assessment of the Patient’s needs by a Service, allowing a Service to Reject the Referral back to a Referrer, or Accept the Referral into its Service (to book it later).

Request Operation: URL

Method URL Authentication
POST {Base URL}/STU3/v1/ReferralRequest/{ubrn}/$ers.recordReviewOutcome Session Token (Details)
  • {Base URL} (e.g. for Dev1) =
  • The {ubrn} represents the unique booking reference number of the Referral request

Operation Definition


Prerequisite Conditions

In order for a Referral to be visible via this endpoint, the Referral must currently possess a “review reason” ( indicating that a Service needs to review the Referral.

A “review reason” may exist because:

Such a Referral would currently be on a Worklist for a Service:

As such, the caller performing this action MUST be currently authenticated as a Service Provider Clinician or Service Provider Clinician Admin.

Only a Professional at the “reviewing” service can submit a Review Outcome. An easy to way to identify this is to ask “can you view this referral on this user’s worklist currently?”.

Note: if you wish to associate an attachment, the attachment must have been uploaded previously via

Compliance Requirements


Deceased Checks

  • This endpoint does not stop a user recording a Review Outcome if the Patient is deceased. A deceased check cannot be provided by e-RS FHIR API.
  • Instead, Partners must check for a Date of Death via the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) API before making the call to the e-RS FHIR API.


Request Operation: Header

Cardinality Value Description
1..1 If-Match Changes can only made to the current version of a Referral

Request Operation: Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Description
reviewOutcome 1..1 coding (eRS-reviewOutcome-1) The clinical decision being recorded
reviewComments 1..1 valueString Max 2000 characters
reviewAttachmentFile 0..* Resource (DocumentReference)  
reviewPriority 0..1 coding (eRS-ReferralPriority-1) Conditionally mandatory when reviewOutcome is set to ACCEPT_REFER_BOOK_LATER)

Example Request Header

XAPI_ASID:999000000045 (The “Accredited System ID” issued to the third party)
HTTP_X_SESSION_KEY:pro-api-session:e96357b1-298d-4159-ac58-a8953c3262c6" (The session key generated by A001 - Create Session endpoint)
Content-Type: "application/fhir+json"
"If-Match" : "W/\"3\""

Example Request Body

Input in this example does NOT reference an attachment - this parameter is optional.


Example Response Body

Output (Response) - 200 OK:

Response: Failure

If an error occurs, the relating HTTP status code will be returned in the header. Where status code 422 (Unprocessable Entity) is returned then an eRS-OperationOutcome-1 will be included in the body.

Note that the errors below do not detail “generic” failures such as the FHIR structure being incorrect. The errors below are limited to the functional behavior that this endpoint provides:

Outcome Note
NO_SUCH_REQUEST The Referral does not exist
REFERRAL_LOCKED The Referral is not available to update
VERSION_CONFLICT The Referral version submitted does not match the current version of the Referral
PRIORITY_NOT_CURRENT When RETURN_TO_REFERRER_WITH_ADVICE is the reviewOutcome, the reviewPriority submitted MUST be the Referrals current Priority (i.e. no change)
NO_RELATIONSHIP The caller does not currently have the rights to perform this action on this Referral
PATIENT_ERROR An error occurred while retrieving the requested patient
INVALID_REQUEST_STATE The request may not be suitable to review, perhaps flagged as needing additional information prior to review
DUPLICATE_FILENAME The filename of one of the files to be associated with the Referral exactly matches (including extension) an existing attachment
INAPPROPRIATE_VALUE Attachment “type” is not ‘PROVIDER’ or Attachment “status” is not ‘current’
REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND No such attachment OR the reference on the previously uploaded attachment does not match the current Referral
INVALID_STATE The referenced attachment is already linked to a Referral
INVALID_VALUE The number of characters in the (to be associated) File Description exceeds 200

Note: other “generic” errors concerning FHIR/JSON errors can also be returned.

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