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A004: Retrieve Reference Data (FHIR2)

For the new FHIR v3 endpoint, please click here.

Status: Deprecated

Defect fix:
Following e-RS release 9.6 this endpoint will return all specialities, prior to this fix only active specialities were returned, inactive specialties were not returned. Please note that this is a non-breaking change and only affects this endpoint. Find out more about this endpoint and related FHIR models.

This endpoint must be used with all FHIR2 (DSTU2) endpoints:

- A005 Retrieve Referral Request (Live)
- A007 Retrieve Clinical Information (Live)
- A008 Retrieve Worklist (Live)


Method URL
GET v1/ValueSet/


This read-only API lets a user access a pre-populated list of reference data. The NHS e-Referral Service uses these lists throughout. For example, a list of specialities. They support data accuracy and effective re-use. It retrieves a specific Value Set (Reference Dataset) by ID.

Reference Data

Reference data is classified into 2 types:

Static lists

These are documented on the FHIR server and can be looked up “manually” and stored once and for all in the database.

  • Values and associated business logic, such as adding/removing options (e.g. Priority, Request Type, Commissioning Type) - this means creating new business flows in the application, which means an upgrade is probably needed
  • Standard FHIR lists

Dynamic lists

These are “gettable” from e-RS; third parties should handle them as dynamic data, i.e. adding/removing values should not require a software upgrade.

  • The only dynamic list we have so far is Specialty
  • The next forthcoming dynamic list is Clinic Type
  • In future we will be adding Rebooking Reasons/Cancellation Reasons and other dynamics lists


Currently applicable values for the {valueSetId}:

Value Set ID Description
SPECIALTY Specialties defined in e-RS

Provide ASID of the end-point system and equivalent Session Key generated for the SSO Token-ID.




A Value Set Resource profiled specifically for the given valueSetId. This will include the requested coding system with its available codes. The response code 200 (OK) is returned.


    "id": "SPECIALTY",
    "meta": {
        "profile": [
    "resourceType": "ValueSet",
    "status": "active",
    "publisher": "HSCIC",
    "date": "2017-07-28",
    "description": "Specialties defined in e-RS",
    "codeSystem": {
        "system": "",
        "concept": [
                "extension": [
                        "url": "",
                        "valueDateTime": "2004-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"
                "code": "2WW",
                "display": "2WW",
                "designation": {
                    "value": "9901"

                "extension": [
                        "url": "",
                        "valueDateTime": "2004-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"
                "code": "UROLOGY",
                "display": "Urology",
                "designation": {
                    "value": "101"


Consuming application must have a valid session in order to access this endpoint.

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