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The following pages and posts are tagged with

CareConnect-MedicationDispense-1 Page How medication and dosage instructions are defined within the CareConnect-MedicationDispense-1 profiled resource
CareConnect-MedicationRequest-1 Page How medication and dosage instructions are defined within the CareConnect-MedicationRequest-1 profiled resource
CareConnect-MedicationStatement-1 Page How medication and dosage instructions are defined within the CareConnect-MedicationStatement-1 profiled resource
Dosage additionalInstruction, patientInstruction and text Page Additional clinical instructions and patient instructions
Dosage asNeeded[x] Page Dosing 'asNeeded' and 'asNeededCodeableConcept' instructions
STU3 Limitation - Combination pack instructions Page STU3 Limitation - Combination pack instructions
Dosage dose[x], frequency and period Page Simple timing instructions using dose[x], frequency and period
Dosage duration, bounds and count Page Adding constraints, bounds or limits to a dosage instruction
Additional Instruction Examples Page Additional Instruction Examples
Patient Instruction Examples Page Patient Instruction Examples
Standard Dose Syntax Examples Page Standard Dose Syntax Examples
STU3 Limitation - Defining a maximum dose per course Page STU3 Limitation - Defining a maximum dose per course
Dosage maxDosePer[x] Page Dosing 'maxDosePerPeriod', 'maxDosePerAdministration' and 'maxDosePerLifetime' instructions
STU3 Limitation - Defining a period of time where medication should not be taken Page STU3 Limitation - Defining a period of time where medication should not be taken
Dosage rate[x] Page Rate-based instructions
Dosage sequence Page Multi-sequence instructions
Dosage site, route and method Page Use of Dosage site, route and method
STU3 Limitation - Instructions for a specific device Page STU3 Limitation - Instructions for a specific device
CareConnect Text Narrative Logic Page Logic required to generate a text narrative from the coded structures
CareConnect Text Narrative Page Use of the text narrative within CareConnect profiled resources
STU3 Limitation - Specifying a Trade Family / Brand Page STU3 Limitation - Specifying a Trade Family / Brand
Using UCUM and/or SNOMED units of measure Page Using UCUM and/or SNOMED units of measure
Dosage when, offset, dayOfWeek, timeOfDay and code Page Specific timing instructions (when, offset, dayOfWeek, timeOfDay and code)

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