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Patient Demographics Section

Gives information about the Patient Demographics section

Patient Demographics Section Content

The Patient demographics section contains information about the patient. PRSB Elements should be formatted as subheadings in any HTML sent.

Data Item Description Cardinality Values Mandatory/required/ optional FHIR Target
Patient name The full name of the patient. 1 ONLY The legal name of the patient. This will normally be volunteered by the patient or their carer or representative; given by a Patient Demographics Service (PDS) patient trace, a referral or from the pharmacy system. Mandatory
Patient address Patient’s usual place of residence. 1 ONLY Sent in accordance with the NHS Data Dictionary: patient usual address. May be auto generated from PDS, referral or pharmacy system. Mandatory Patient.address
Patient telephone number Telephone contact details of the patient. To include, e.g., mobile, work and home number if available. 0 TO MANY Both the actual contact number and its use (work number, home number, mobile number etc.) should be sent. May be auto generated from PDS, referral or pharmacy system. Required Patient.telecom
Date of birth The date of birth of the patient. 1 ONLY The date of birth will be as precise as possible, but should at least contain a year. May be auto generated from PDS, referral or pharmacy system. Mandatory Patient.birthDate
NHS number The unique identifier for a patient within the NHS in England and Wales. 0 TO 1 Sent as per the NHS Data Dictionary NHS number. Traced and verified NHS Numbers only should be used i.e. NHS number status indicator code: value 01. If there is no NHS number then this data item should be reported as null and other unique identifiers will need to flow. Required Patient.identifier(NHSNumber)
Sex The person’s phenotypic sex. Determines how the person will be treated clinically. 1 ONLY Recorded as per NHS Data Dictionary. Person phenotypic sex is observed by a person, and is not self-stated: 1: Male 2: Female 9: Indeterminate (unable to be classified as either male or female) Mandatory Patient.gender
Other identifier Country specific or local identifier, e.g., Community Health Index (CHI) in Scotland. 0 TO MANY Recorded as per NHS Data Dictionary: - Local patient identifier, -Local patient identified (extended), -Health and Care number, -Community Health Index number. Required Patient.identifier

The sections below are Message specific

When implementing:

  • Minor Illness Referral Consultation

Include element(s):

Data Item Description Cardinality Values Mandatory/required/ optional FHIR Target
Age [Anonymised] Age of the Patient for whom the referral is being made     Mandatory Composition.section.text

Example Patient Demographics Section

<!-- Patient demographics-->
	<title value="Patient demographics"/>
				<system value=""/>
				<code value="886731000000109"/>
				<display value="Patient demographics"/>
		<status value="additional"/>
		<div xmlns="">
		<table width="100%">
			<th>Patient name</th>
					<p>Prefix: Mrs</p>
					<p>Given Name: Julie</p>
					<p>Family Name: Jones</p>
			<th>Patient address</th>
				<p>Address Line: 22, Brightside Crescent, Overtown</p>
				<p>City: Leeds</p>
				<p>Post Code: LS10 4YU</p>
			<th>Patient telephone number</th>
			<td>Telephone contact details of the patient. To include, e.g., mobile, work and home number if available.</td>
			<th>Date of birth</th>
			<td>4 May 1959</td>
			<th>NHS number</th>
			<th>Other identifier</th>
			<td>Country specific or local identifier, e.g., Community Health Index (CHI) in Scotland.</td>
	<!--reference to further information carried in the patient resource-->
		<reference value="urn:uuid:9589fb37-87a2-48d8-968f-b371429209e3"/>
Tags: fhir

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