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Spine Mini-Services Provider

In this scenario a client application is indirectly querying Spine PDS to obtain demographic information held for the provided NHSNumber. From a business perspective this is typically used to check (and/or potentially update) the locally held demographic details about the patient from the national Patient Demographic Service.

The following describes the logic required to invoke the ITK urn:nhs-itk:services:201005:getPatientDetailsByNHSNumber-v1-0 service.

From a black-box perspective the invocation of a Spine Mini-Service (SMS) Provider web service interface is fairly trivial. The service requestor simply sends the appropriate ITK request message and receives the response synchronously. Likewise any exceptions will be returned as synchronous SOAP Faults.

Spine Mini-Services – Client

As the SMS client already has the pertinent patient’s NHSNumber in their local data store the query to get the latest demographics via the SMS Provider is relatively straightforward. The SMS Client builds the Get Patient Details By NHSNumber Request query message providing the patient’s NHSNumber and Date of Birth.

Spine Mini-Services – Provider

The SMS Provider is a unique component in ITK – providing a bridge between the Spine PDS interfaces and Spine Mini Service Clients. In a real deployment, the SMSP would receive the ITK Get Patient Details By NHSNumber Request, make one or more queries to Spine services the results of which are used construct the appropriate ITK Get Patient Details By NHSNumber Response.

In the samples application the SMSP is emulated via a simple XSLT that creates a response from the request

Get Patient Details By NHSNumber Request

Get Patient Details By NHSNumber Response

Last edited: 31 January 2022 9:28 am